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Answer: Software Reliability Engineering
SRE is a discipline that incorporates aspects of software engineering to ensure system reliability.
Answer: Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
SQUID is a very sensitive magnetometer used to measure extremely small magnetic fields.
Answer: Special Purpose Vehicle
SPV refers to a subsidiary company created for a specific purpose often used in financial structuring.
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Answer: Special Program for International Networks
SPIN is a research initiative focused on building international networking infrastructure.
Answer: Special Protection Group
SPG is an elite security force responsible for providing protection to the Prime Minister of India.
Answer: Save Our Souls
SOS is a Morse code distress signal used in emergencies to request help.
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Answer: Symbiosis National University Scholastic Aptitude Test
SNUSAT is an entrance exam conducted by Symbiosis University for admission to undergraduate courses in design and arts.
Answer: Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SLR is the minimum percentage of a commercial bank?s net demand and time liabilities that it must hold in the form of liquid cash gold or government-approved securities.
Answer: Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDBI is an Indian bank dedicated to financing small industries and promoting entrepreneurship.
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Answer: Securities General Loan
SGL refers to the loan mechanism used by the government for financial securities transactions.
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