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What does ZS stand for?

  • (A) Zero Sum
  • (B) Zonal System
  • (C) Zone Strategy
  • (D) Zonal Standards

Answer: Zero Sum

ZS often refers to a zero-sum scenario where one persons gain is anothers loss.

What does ZPZ stand for?

  • (A) Zero Point Zero
  • (B) Zero Percent Zero
  • (C) Zonal Processing Zone
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Zero Point Zero

ZPZ is a term used in certain technological contexts to refer to neutral or zero levels.

What does ZIP stand for?

  • (A) Zone of Important Projects
  • (B) Zone Internet Protocol
  • (C) Zipped Information Packet
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Zipped Information Packet

ZIP is a file format used for compressing multiple files into a single archive.

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What does ZAPU stand for?

  • (A) Zimbabwe African Peoples Union
  • (B) Zambia African Political Union
  • (C) Zaire African Peoples Union
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Zimbabwe African Peoples Union

ZAPU was a Zimbabwean political party focusing on liberation and equality.

What does YWCA stand for?

  • (A) Young Womens Christian Association
  • (B) Youth Womens Christian Association
  • (C) Young Women?s Cultural Association
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Young Womens Christian Association

YWCA is a global organization dedicated to empowering women and eliminating racism.

What does YMCA stand for?

  • (A) Young Mens Christian Association
  • (B) Young Men?s Cultural Association
  • (C) Youth Management Christian Association
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Young Mens Christian Association

YMCA is an international organization promoting community development social welfare and fitness programs.

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What does XML stand for?

  • (A) Extensible Markup Language
  • (B) Extended Markup Language
  • (C) External Markup Language
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Extensible Markup Language

XML is a markup language designed to store and transport data in a structured format.

What does XAT stand for?

  • (A) Xavier Aptitude Test
  • (B) Xenon Aptitude Test
  • (C) Xpert Aptitude Test
  • (D) Xavier Admission Test

Answer: Xavier Aptitude Test

XAT is an entrance exam for admission to postgraduate management programs conducted by Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI).

What does WTO stand for?

  • (A) World Trade Organization
  • (B) World Transport Organization
  • (C) Worldwide Trade Organization
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: World Trade Organization

WTO is an international body that deals with the global rules of trade between nations.

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What does WMO stand for?

  • (A) World Meteorological Organization
  • (B) Worldwide Meteorological Organization
  • (C) World Management Organization
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: World Meteorological Organization

WMO is a specialized agency of the UN responsible for promoting international cooperation in meteorology climatology and related fields.


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