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What does RPSC stand for?

  • (A) Rajasthan Public Service Commission
  • (B) Rajasthan Private Service Commission
  • (C) Rajasthan Professional Service Commission
  • (D) Rajasthan Public Services Commission

Answer: Rajasthan Public Service Commission

RPSC is the recruitment agency for public service exams in Rajasthan for various administrative and non-administrative posts.

What does RPO stand for?

  • (A) Recruitment Process Outsourcing
  • (B) Remote Process Outsourcing
  • (C) Renewable Process Outsourcing
  • (D) Regulatory Process Outsourcing

Answer: Recruitment Process Outsourcing

RPO is the practice of outsourcing the recruitment process to an external provider.

What does RPM stand for?

  • (A) Revolutions Per Minute
  • (B) Rotation Per Minute
  • (C) Running Per Meter
  • (D) Rapid Production Metric

Answer: Revolutions Per Minute

RPM is a unit of measurement used to quantify the speed of rotation of an object.

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What does RPF stand for?

  • (A) Railway Protection Force
  • (B) Railway Police Force
  • (C) Railways Protection Facility
  • (D) Railway Prevention Force

Answer: Railway Protection Force

RPF is a security force tasked with protecting railway passengers property and assets in India.

What does RPET stand for?

  • (A) Rajasthan Pre-Engineering Test
  • (B) Rajasthan Public Entrance Test
  • (C) Rajasthan Post-Engineering Test
  • (D) Rajasthan Primary Entrance Test

Answer: Rajasthan Pre-Engineering Test

RPET was an entrance exam conducted by Rajasthan Technical University for engineering admissions now replaced by JEE.

What does RMB stand for?

  • (A) Renminbi
  • (B) Royal Monetary Bureau
  • (C) Regional Monetary Bank
  • (D) Reserved Money Bureau

Answer: Renminbi

RMB is the official currency of the Peoples Republic of China also known as the Chinese Yuan.

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What does RLV stand for?

  • (A) Reusable Launch Vehicle
  • (B) Remote Launch Vehicle
  • (C) Regular Launch Vehicle
  • (D) Rocket Launch Vehicle

Answer: Reusable Launch Vehicle

RLV is a type of spacecraft that can be launched landed and reused multiple times.

What does RLO stand for?

  • (A) Regional Learning Organization
  • (B) Resident Learning Officer
  • (C) Regional Liaison Officer
  • (D) Remote Learning Operator

Answer: Regional Liaison Officer

RLO is a role typically associated with coordinating regional activities and liaising between departments or sectors.

What does RIDF stand for?

  • (A) Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
  • (B) Rural Income Development Fund
  • (C) Regulatory Investment Development Fund
  • (D) Regional Investment Development Fund

Answer: Rural Infrastructure Development Fund

RIDF is a fund created by the government to promote infrastructure projects in rural areas.

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What does REC stand for?

  • (A) Rural Electrification Corporation
  • (B) Renewable Energy Corporation
  • (C) Rural Education Center
  • (D) Renewable Environmental Company

Answer: Rural Electrification Corporation

REC is a public sector company in India that focuses on the financing of power infrastructure projects.


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