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Answer: Indian Institute of Technology
IIT is a network of autonomous public technical universities in India known for their excellence in engineering education.
Answer: Indian Institute of Management
IIM is a group of autonomous public institutions for management education in India.
Answer: Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
IIFT is a premier institute offering MBA in International Business and it conducts its own entrance exam for admission.
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Answer: Indira Gandhi National Open University
IGNOU is a distance learning university in India offering various undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Answer: International Federation of Trade Unions
IFTU stands for International Federation of Trade Unions an organization supporting workers rights globally.
Answer: Indian Financial System Code
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code a code used for electronic fund transfers in India.
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Answer: International Financial Reporting Standards
IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards a set of global accounting standards for financial reporting.
Answer: Industrial Finance Corporation of India
IFCI is a government-owned financial institution that provides finance to various sectors in India.
Answer: International Finance Corporation
IFC stands for International Finance Corporation part of the World Bank Group focused on private sector investment.
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Answer: International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFAD stands for International Fund for Agricultural Development an international financial institution focused on eradicating poverty in rural areas.
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