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What does HVDC stand for?

  • (A) High Voltage Direct Current
  • (B) High Value Data Communication
  • (C) High Voltage Data Center
  • (D) High Vertical Data Communication

Answer: High Voltage Direct Current

HVDC stands for High Voltage Direct Current a type of electrical transmission used to transfer power over long distances.

What does HUDCO stand for?

  • (A) Housing and Urban Development Corporation
  • (B) Housing Union Development Corporation
  • (C) Housing Under Development Corporation
  • (D) Housing Utility Development Corporation

Answer: Housing and Urban Development Corporation

HUDCO stands for Housing and Urban Development Corporation a public sector enterprise in India.

What does HTTP stand for?

  • (A) HyperText Transfer Protocol
  • (B) High Transfer Text Protocol
  • (C) Hyper Technical Text Protocol
  • (D) High Technical Transfer Protocol

Answer: HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol the protocol used for transmitting web pages over the internet.

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What does HTML stand for?

  • (A) HyperText Markup Language
  • (B) HighText Markup Language
  • (C) High Technical Machine Language
  • (D) HyperText Management Language

Answer: HyperText Markup Language

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language the standard language used for creating and designing web pages.

What does HSBC stand for?

  • (A) Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corporation
  • (B) Hong Kong and Singapore Bank Corporation
  • (C) Hong Kong Society Banking Corporation
  • (D) Housing Society Bank Corporation

Answer: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corporation

HSBC stands for Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world.

What does HPCET stand for?

  • (A) Himachal Pradesh Common Entrance Test
  • (B) Haryana Public Common Entrance Test
  • (C) Himachal Pradesh Common Education Test
  • (D) Haryana Public Education Test

Answer: Himachal Pradesh Common Entrance Test

HPCET is a state-level entrance exam conducted by Himachal Pradesh Technical University for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

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What does HP stand for?

  • (A) Hewlett-Packard
  • (B) High Performance
  • (C) Heavy Power
  • (D) High Precision

Answer: Hewlett-Packard

HP stands for Hewlett-Packard an American multinational information technology company.

What does HMT stand for?

  • (A) Heavy Machinery Tool
  • (B) Hindustan Machine Tools
  • (C) High Mechanical Tools
  • (D) Heavy Machines Technology

Answer: Hindustan Machine Tools

HMT stands for Hindustan Machine Tools an Indian public sector company that manufactures machine tools.

What does HMS stand for?

  • (A) Historical Maritime Services
  • (B) High Mobility Ship
  • (C) Her Majesty?s Ship
  • (D) High Maritime Service

Answer: Her Majesty?s Ship

HMS stands for Her Majestys Ship used for ships in the British Royal Navy.

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What does HDTV stand for?

  • (A) High Definition Television
  • (B) High Digital Television
  • (C) High Development Television
  • (D) High Display Television

Answer: High Definition Television

HDTV stands for High Definition Television a television system providing better resolution and image quality.


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