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What does FCI stand for?

  • (A) Food Corporation of India
  • (B) Food and Consumption India
  • (C) Federation of Consumer India
  • (D) Food Certification Institute

Answer: Food Corporation of India

FCI is a government organization responsible for the procurement storage and distribution of food grains in India.

What does FCCB stand for?

  • (A) Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
  • (B) Foreign Credit Convertible Bonds
  • (C) Foreign Commercial Credit Bonds
  • (D) Federal Currency Convertible Bonds

Answer: Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds

FCCB stands for Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds a type of bond issued by Indian companies in foreign currencies.

What does FBI stand for?

  • (A) Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • (B) Federal Bureau of Intelligence
  • (C) Federal Bureau of Innovation
  • (D) Federal Bureau of Infrastructure

Answer: Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation the US government agency responsible for investigating federal crimes.

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What does FAO stand for?

  • (A) Food and Agriculture Organization
  • (B) Federal Agricultural Organization
  • (C) Forest and Agriculture Organization
  • (D) Federal Agency for Outdoors

Answer: Food and Agriculture Organization

FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organization a specialized agency of the UN aimed at eliminating hunger.

What does ESMA stand for?

  • (A) Environmental Standards and Monitoring Agency
  • (B) Economic and Social Management Agency
  • (C) Environmental Standards Management Agency
  • (D) Empowerment Social Management Agency

Answer: Environmental Standards and Monitoring Agency

ESMA stands for Environmental Standards and Monitoring Agency responsible for environmental regulations.

What does ESIC stand for?

  • (A) Employees State Insurance Corporation
  • (B) Employers State Insurance Corporation
  • (C) Employee Security Insurance Corporation
  • (D) Employee State Industry Corporation

Answer: Employees State Insurance Corporation

ESIC is a government-run social security and health insurance scheme for workers in India.

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What does ESCAP stand for?

  • (A) Eastern South Asian Cooperation and Partnership
  • (B) Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • (C) Economic Services Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • (D) Environmental Services Commission for Asia

Answer: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

ESCAP stands for Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific a regional body under the UN.

What does ESA stand for?

  • (A) Environmental Science Association
  • (B) Environmental and Social Assessment
  • (C) Economic Services Association
  • (D) European Space Agency

Answer: European Space Agency

ESA stands for European Space Agency an intergovernmental organization for space exploration and technology.

What does ERNET stand for?

  • (A) Educational and Research Network
  • (B) Environmental Resources Network
  • (C) Enterprise Resource Network
  • (D) Energy Resource Network

Answer: Educational and Research Network

ERNET stands for Educational and Research Network providing internet services to educational and research institutions.

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What does EPFO stand for?

  • (A) Employees Provident Fund Organization
  • (B) Employee Pension Fund Organization
  • (C) Employees Provident Fund Office
  • (D) Employers Provident Fund Office

Answer: Employees Provident Fund Organization

EPFO stands for Employees Provident Fund Organization responsible for managing the EPF scheme in India.


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