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What does UNFCCC stand for?

  • (A) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • (B) Universal National Framework for Climate Cooperation
  • (C) United Nations Framework for Cooperation on Climate
  • (D) Universal Network for Climate Change Control

Answer: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNFCCC is an international environmental treaty focused on combating climate change.

What does UNESCO stand for?

  • (A) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • (B) Universal Educational Standards Organization
  • (C) United Nations Environmental and Scientific Organization
  • (D) United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization

Answer: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNESCO aims to promote peace and security through education science and culture.

What does UNEP stand for?

  • (A) United Nations Environmental Programme
  • (B) Universal Environmental Policy
  • (C) United Network for Environmental Protection
  • (D) United Nations Earth Program

Answer: United Nations Environmental Programme

UNEP is the UN body responsible for coordinating environmental protection and sustainability efforts.

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What does UNEF stand for?

  • (A) United Nations Emergency Force
  • (B) Universal Environmental Fund
  • (C) United Nations Environmental Forum
  • (D) United Nations Educational Foundation

Answer: United Nations Emergency Force

UNEF was a peacekeeping force deployed by the UN to maintain peace in conflict zones.

What does UNDP stand for?

  • (A) United Nations Development Programme
  • (B) Universal Development Program
  • (C) Union for New Development Program
  • (D) United Nations Designated Program

Answer: United Nations Development Programme

UNDP is the UNs global development network focusing on eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development.

What does UNCTAD stand for?

  • (A) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • (B) United Nations Center for Trade and Development
  • (C) Union for New Cooperation in Development
  • (D) Universal Network for Trade and Development

Answer: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNCTAD is a UN body that promotes international trade and economic development.

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What does UN stand for?

  • (A) United Nations
  • (B) Universal Network
  • (C) United Nations Committee
  • (D) United Nations Council

Answer: United Nations

UN is an international organization founded to promote peace security and cooperation among nations.

What does ULFA stand for?

  • (A) United Liberation Front of Assam
  • (B) Union League Front of Assam
  • (C) United Land Forces of Assam
  • (D) Universal Liberation Front of Assam

Answer: United Liberation Front of Assam

ULFA is a separatist militant organization based in Assam India advocating for Assamese independence.

What does UK stand for?

  • (A) United Kingdom
  • (B) Unilateral Kingdom
  • (C) Universal Kingdom
  • (D) United Koreas

Answer: United Kingdom

UK refers to the sovereign country made up of England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland.

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What does UIDAI stand for?

  • (A) Unique Identification Authority of India
  • (B) Universal Identification Authority of India
  • (C) Unified Identification Authority of India
  • (D) Unique Integrated Authority of India

Answer: Unique Identification Authority of India

UIDAI is the agency responsible for implementing the Aadhaar project providing unique identification numbers to Indian residents.


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