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Who proposed the heliocentric theory of the solar system?

  • (A) Johannes Kepler
  • (B) Isaac Newton
  • (C) Galileo Galilei
  • (D) Nicolaus Copernicus

Answer: Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric theory, suggesting that the Sun, not the Earth, is at the center of the solar system.

Who is known for his work on the theory of natural selection?

  • (A) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
  • (B) Charles Darwin
  • (C) Gregor Mendel
  • (D) Alfred Russel Wallace

Answer: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution by natural selection, explaining how species evolve over time based on survival.

Who is known for developing the theory of gravity?

  • (A) Galileo Galilei
  • (B) Isaac Newton
  • (C) Albert Einstein
  • (D) Johannes Kepler

Answer: Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation, explaining that every object in the universe attracts every other object.

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Who discovered the law of electrolysis?

  • (A) Michael Faraday
  • (B) James Clerk Maxwell
  • (C) Nikola Tesla
  • (D) Alessandro Volta

Answer: Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday formulated the laws of electrolysis, which describe the chemical changes that occur when electric current passes through a liquid.

Who discovered the smallpox vaccine?

  • (A) Louis Pasteur
  • (B) Edward Jenner
  • (C) Albert Calmette
  • (D) Joseph Lister

Answer: Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner developed the first smallpox vaccine in 1796, which eventually led to the eradication of the disease.

Who developed the theory of quantum mechanics?

  • (A) Albert Einstein
  • (B) Niels Bohr
  • (C) Werner Heisenberg
  • (D) Max Planck

Answer: Max Planck

Max Planck is credited with developing the theory of quantum mechanics, which explains the behavior of particles at the smallest scales.

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Who is credited with the invention of the television?

  • (A) Nikola Tesla
  • (B) Thomas Edison
  • (C) Guglielmo Marconi
  • (D) John Logie Baird

Answer: John Logie Baird

John Logie Baird is credited with the invention of the first practical television.

Who is known for the invention of the first electric battery?

  • (A) Benjamin Franklin
  • (B) Alessandro Volta
  • (C) Michael Faraday
  • (D) Nikola Tesla

Answer: Alessandro Volta

Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery, known as the Voltaic pile, in 1800.

Who developed the first atomic model?

  • (A) J.J. Thomson
  • (B) Niels Bohr
  • (C) Ernest Rutherford
  • (D) John Dalton

Answer: John Dalton

John Dalton developed the first atomic model, proposing that matter is made up of indivisible atoms.

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Who is credited with the invention of the printing press?

  • (A) Leonardo da Vinci
  • (B) Benjamin Franklin
  • (C) Johannes Gutenberg
  • (D) Thomas Edison

Answer: Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century, significantly affecting the spread of knowledge.


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