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Looking for MCQs? You're in the right place! Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, school boards or just aiming to improve your knowledge, we offer MCQs for all levels and subjects.

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Who invented the first practical electric light?

  • (A) Nikola Tesla
  • (B) Thomas Edison
  • (C) Alexander Graham Bell
  • (D) James Watt

Answer: Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison invented the first practical electric light bulb in 1879, revolutionizing lighting.

Who is known for discovering the law of universal gravitation?

  • (A) Galileo Galilei
  • (B) Isaac Newton
  • (C) Albert Einstein
  • (D) Johannes Kepler

Answer: Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton is credited with discovering the law of universal gravitation, which states that every mass attracts every other mass.

Who is credited with the discovery of the smallpox vaccine?

  • (A) Edward Jenner
  • (B) Louis Pasteur
  • (C) Albert Calmette
  • (D) Robert Koch

Answer: Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner developed the first smallpox vaccine in 1796, which led to the eventual eradication of the disease.

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Who is credited with the first successful organ transplant?

  • (A) Christiaan Barnard
  • (B) Joseph Murray
  • (C) Norman Shumway
  • (D) Michael DeBakey

Answer: Christiaan Barnard

Christiaan Barnard performed the first successful heart transplant in 1967, revolutionizing organ transplant surgery.

Who is known for the discovery of the planet Neptune?

  • (A) Galileo Galilei
  • (B) John Couch Adams
  • (C) Johann Gottfried Galle
  • (D) William Herschel

Answer: Johann Gottfried Galle

Johann Galle, along with John Couch Adams, discovered the planet Neptune in 1846 based on mathematical predictions.

Who is credited with the development of the law of electrolysis?

  • (A) Michael Faraday
  • (B) John Dalton
  • (C) Antoine Lavoisier
  • (D) Dmitri Mendeleev

Answer: Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday formulated the laws of electrolysis, which relate electric current to chemical changes.

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Who is known for discovering the theory of conditioned reflexes?

  • (A) Sigmund Freud
  • (B) B.F. Skinner
  • (C) Carl Jung
  • (D) Ivan Pavlov

Answer: Ivan Pavlov

Ivan Pavlov is famous for developing the theory of conditioned reflexes, leading to the study of classical conditioning.

Who is credited with developing the atomic model with electrons in shells?

  • (A) Niels Bohr
  • (B) Albert Einstein
  • (C) J.J. Thomson
  • (D) Ernest Rutherford

Answer: Niels Bohr

Niels Bohr developed the Bohr model, where electrons are arranged in distinct energy levels or shells around the nucleus.

Who is known for discovering the process of nitrogen fixation?

  • (A) Louis Pasteur
  • (B) Fritz Haber
  • (C) John Dalton
  • (D) Michael Faraday

Answer: Fritz Haber

Fritz Haber discovered nitrogen fixation, which enabled the synthesis of ammonia for fertilizers.

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Who discovered that light has a dual nature (wave and particle)?

  • (A) Albert Einstein
  • (B) Niels Bohr
  • (C) Max Planck
  • (D) Louis de Broglie

Answer: Louis de Broglie

Louis de Broglie proposed that light behaves as both a wave and a particle, contributing to quantum theory.


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