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Answer: Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine in 1796, which led to the eventual eradication of the disease.
Answer: William Harvey
William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood in the human body, revolutionizing biology and medicine.
Answer: Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler formulated the laws of planetary motion, which describe the orbits of planets around the sun.
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Answer: Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the first practical telephone in 1876.
Answer: Dmitri Mendeleev
Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with developing the periodic table, arranging elements by atomic mass and properties.
Answer: Antoine Lavoisier
Antoine Lavoisier is known as the father of modern chemistry for discovering the law of conservation of mass.
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Answer: J.J. Thomson
J.J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897, opening the door to atomic physics.
Answer: Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, revolutionizing medicine and antibiotics.
Answer: Isaac Newton
Isaac Newtons laws of motion and universal gravitation laid the foundation for classical mechanics.
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Answer: Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity, fundamentally changing our understanding of space, time and energy.
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