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Which famous Indian classical musician is associated with the sitar and is known for his mastery of the instrument?

  • (A) Ravi Shankar
  • (B) Zakir Hussain
  • (C) L. Subramaniam
  • (D) Anoushka Shankar

Answer: Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar is one of the most famous Indian classical musicians, widely known for his mastery of the sitar.

Which famous Indian artist was known for his depiction of horses and used modern techniques to bring out Indian themes?

  • (A) M.F. Husain
  • (B) S.H. Raza
  • (C) Bharti Kher
  • (D) Subodh Gupta

Answer: M.F. Husain

M.F. Husain is famous for his depiction of horses using modern techniques and incorporating Indian themes.

Which famous Indian artist was known for his contemporary and abstract sculptures?

  • (A) Subodh Gupta
  • (B) Anish Kapoor
  • (C) Bharti Kher
  • (D) M.F. Husain

Answer: Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor is renowned for his contemporary and abstract sculptures that explore space and form.

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Which famous Indian artist is renowned for his portrayal of rural life and folk traditions?

  • (A) Raja Ravi Varma
  • (B) Jamini Roy
  • (C) Subodh Gupta
  • (D) Bharti Kher

Answer: Jamini Roy

Jamini Roy is renowned for his portrayal of rural life, often using folk art styles to depict traditional themes.

Which famous Indian artist is renowned for his paintings that depict themes of rural India?

  • (A) Raja Ravi Varma
  • (B) Jamini Roy
  • (C) Amrita Sher-Gil
  • (D) M.F. Husain

Answer: Jamini Roy

Jamini Roy is known for his paintings that depict rural India, often drawing from folk traditions.

Which famous Indian artist is recognized for his work in modern art?

  • (A) M.F. Husain
  • (B) S.H. Raza
  • (C) Anish Kapoor
  • (D) Subodh Gupta

Answer: M.F. Husain

M.F. Husain is recognized as one of the pioneers of modern art in India, blending tradition with contemporary styles.

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Which famous Indian artist is recognized for his work in abstract art?

  • (A) S.H. Raza
  • (B) M.F. Husain
  • (C) Subodh Gupta
  • (D) Anish Kapoor

Answer: S.H. Raza

S.H. Raza is widely recognized for his pioneering work in abstract art, especially his cosmic symbolism.

Which famous Indian artist is recognized for his use of tribal and folk art forms in contemporary art?

  • (A) Jamini Roy
  • (B) Bharti Kher
  • (C) Subodh Gupta
  • (D) M.F. Husain

Answer: Jamini Roy

Jamini Roy is recognized for incorporating tribal and folk art forms into contemporary art, especially from Bengal.

Which famous Indian artist is recognized for his portrayal of Indian culture and heritage through his modern interpretations?

  • (A) M.F. Husain
  • (B) S.H. Raza
  • (C) Bharti Kher
  • (D) Subodh Gupta

Answer: M.F. Husain

M.F. Husain is recognized for modern interpretations of Indian culture, incorporating traditional themes in contemporary art.

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Which famous Indian artist is recognized for his minimalistic sculptures and large installations?

  • (A) Anish Kapoor
  • (B) Subodh Gupta
  • (C) Bharti Kher
  • (D) S.H. Raza

Answer: Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor is recognized for his minimalistic sculptures and large installations that explore space and form.


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