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What is the function of SSD in a computer system?

  • (A) Provide permanent storage
  • (B) Increase processing speed
  • (C) Store temporary data
  • (D) Improve graphics rendering

Answer: Provide permanent storage

SSD (Solid State Drive) provides long-term data storage with faster access speed than traditional HDDs.

What is the full form of ISP?

  • (A) Internet Service Provider
  • (B) Internet Security Protocol
  • (C) Internal Service Protocol
  • (D) International Security Provider

Answer: Internet Service Provider

ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company that provides internet access to consumers and businesses.

What does SQL allow users to do?

  • (A) Process data
  • (B) Create databases
  • (C) Query and manipulate data
  • (D) Store data

Answer: Query and manipulate data

SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to interact with databases and perform various operations like querying and updating.

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What is the function of the Hard Disk in a computer system?

  • (A) Process data
  • (B) Store data permanently
  • (C) Perform arithmetic calculations
  • (D) Execute instructions

Answer: Store data permanently

A Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is used for long-term storage of data, including the operating system, programs and files.

What is the full form of WAN?

  • (A) Wide Area Network
  • (B) Wireless Area Network
  • (C) Web Area Network
  • (D) World Area Network

Answer: Wide Area Network

WAN (Wide Area Network) connects devices and networks across a large geographical area, such as cities or countries.

What is the function of DNS in networking?

  • (A) Translate domain names to IP addresses
  • (B) Manage network traffic
  • (C) Ensure secure data transfer
  • (D) Control email flow

Answer: Translate domain names to IP addresses

DNS (Domain Name System) converts human-readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network.

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What is the full form of CPU?

  • (A) Central Processing Unit
  • (B) Central Process Unit
  • (C) Computer Personal Unit
  • (D) Central Program Unit

Answer: Central Processing Unit

The CPU is the primary component of a computer that performs most of the processing inside a computer.

Which of the following is a type of software?

  • (A) Hard Drive
  • (B) Operating System
  • (C) Printer
  • (D) Mouse

Answer: Operating System

An Operating System (OS) manages hardware and software resources on a computer.

Which of the following is used for computer storage?

  • (A) RAM
  • (B) CPU
  • (C) Hard Disk
  • (D) Monitor

Answer: Hard Disk

Hard disks are used for long-term storage of data and programs in a computer.

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Which is the primary function of an operating system?

  • (A) To manage hardware
  • (B) To create documents
  • (C) To run software
  • (D) To browse the internet

Answer: To manage hardware

An operating system manages the computers hardware and software resources, providing a user interface.


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