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Which of the following is a type of optical storage device?

  • (A) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
  • (B) Flash Drive
  • (C) Blu-ray Disc
  • (D) RAM

Answer: Blu-ray Disc

A Blu-ray disc is an optical storage device that uses laser technology to read and write data.

What is the function of a hard disk drive (HDD)?

  • (A) Store permanent data
  • (B) Perform calculations
  • (C) Manage memory
  • (D) Connect devices

Answer: Store permanent data

A hard disk drive (HDD) stores data permanently and is the main storage device for long-term data.

What is the function of a device driver in computing?

  • (A) Control hardware components
  • (B) Provide internet access
  • (C) Manage software updates
  • (D) Store temporary data

Answer: Control hardware components

A device driver is software that allows the operating system to communicate with hardware components, enabling them to function properly.

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What is the function of a firewall in computer networking?

  • (A) Block unauthorized access
  • (B) Manage network connections
  • (C) Store data
  • (D) Provide system backup

Answer: Block unauthorized access

A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

Which device is used to provide input to a computer?

  • (A) Monitor
  • (B) Keyboard
  • (C) Printer
  • (D) Speaker

Answer: Keyboard

A keyboard is used to input data and commands into a computer system for processing.

What is the primary function of the CPU in a computer system?

  • (A) Execute instructions
  • (B) Store data
  • (C) Perform input/output operations
  • (D) Connect devices

Answer: Execute instructions

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is responsible for executing instructions from programs and managing processes.

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What does the acronym CD-ROM stand for?

  • (A) Compact Digital Read-Only Memory
  • (B) Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory
  • (C) Compact Data Read-Only Memory
  • (D) Circular Disk-Read-Only Memory

Answer: Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory

CD-ROM stands for Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory, a type of optical storage medium used for storing data.

Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?

  • (A) KB
  • (B) MB
  • (C) GB
  • (D) TB

Answer: TB

TB (Terabyte) is the largest of these units and can store 1,000 GB or 1,000,000 MB.

What is the main function of the operating system in a computer?

  • (A) Perform calculations
  • (B) Manage hardware resources
  • (C) Connect to the internet
  • (D) Handle data storage

Answer: Manage hardware resources

The operating system manages hardware, software, memory and other resources of the computer.

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What is the function of the RAM in a computer?

  • (A) Store permanent data
  • (B) Manage network connections
  • (C) Provide temporary data storage
  • (D) Execute programs

Answer: Provide temporary data storage

RAM temporarily stores data and instructions that the CPU needs for active processes and tasks.


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