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Which of the following is a provision of the Indian Constitution regarding the protection of language and culture?

  • (A) Article 29
  • (B) Article 30
  • (C) Article 31
  • (D) Article 32

Answer: Article 29

Article 29 protects the interests of minorities, including their language, script and culture.

Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the power of the Parliament to legislate on matters of national importance?

  • (A) Article 249
  • (B) Article 250
  • (C) Article 251
  • (D) Article 252

Answer: Article 249

Article 249 grants Parliament the power to legislate on matters of national importance even in the Concurrent List under certain circumstances.

What is the main function of the Finance Commission of India?

  • (A) To allocate funds to the states
  • (B) To allocate funds to local bodies
  • (C) To regulate the fiscal policy
  • (D) To recommend the distribution of financial resources between the Union and the States

Answer: To recommend the distribution of financial resources between the Union and the States

The Finance Commission recommends the distribution of financial resources between the Union and State governments.

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Who administers the oath of office to the President of India?

  • (A) Chief Justice of India
  • (B) Vice President
  • (C) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
  • (D) Prime Minister

Answer: Chief Justice of India

The Chief Justice of India administers the oath of office to the President of India as per the provisions of the Constitution.

Under which article of the Indian Constitution are special provisions made for the state of Jammu and Kashmir?

  • (A) Article 370
  • (B) Article 371
  • (C) Article 372
  • (D) Article 373

Answer: Article 370

Article 370 initially granted special autonomy to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, although it was revoked in 2019.

The term "Republic" in the Indian Constitution means that:

  • (A) The head of the state is hereditary
  • (B) The head of the state is elected
  • (C) The head of the state is appointed by the Prime Minister
  • (D) The head of the state is elected by the Parliament

Answer: The head of the state is elected

The term "Republic" means that the President of India, as the head of the state, is elected rather than being hereditary.

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Under which article of the Indian Constitution is the Parliament empowered to legislate on matters in the Union List?

  • (A) Article 245
  • (B) Article 246
  • (C) Article 247
  • (D) Article 248

Answer: Article 246

Article 246 of the Indian Constitution provides the Parliament with the power to legislate on matters in the Union List, Concurrent List and State List.

Who can dissolve the Lok Sabha before the completion of its term?

  • (A) President
  • (B) Prime Minister
  • (C) Chief Election Commissioner
  • (D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Answer: President

The President of India has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha before its term ends, upon advice from the Prime Minister.

Which of the following is the maximum number of members that can be in the Rajya Sabha?

  • (A) 500
  • (B) 250
  • (C) 300
  • (D) 500

Answer: 250

The maximum number of members in the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) is 250, of which 12 are nominated by the President.

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Who has the power to remove a Governor from office in India?

  • (A) President
  • (B) Prime Minister
  • (C) Parliament
  • (D) Chief Justice of India

Answer: President

The President of India has the power to remove a Governor from office as per the provisions of the Indian Constitution.


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