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The right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights is provided under which Article?

  • (A) Article 32
  • (B) Article 21
  • (C) Article 19
  • (D) Article 29

Answer: Article 32

Article 32 provides the right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights in India.

The Indian Constitution allows which of the following for the amendment of its provisions?

  • (A) Parliament alone
  • (B) Parliament and State Legislatures
  • (C) The President and the Supreme Court
  • (D) Parliament and the President

Answer: Parliament and State Legislatures

The Indian Constitution can be amended by the Parliament with the consent of State Legislatures in some cases.

The Constitution of India was adopted on:

  • (A) 15th August 1947
  • (B) 26th January 1950
  • (C) 26th November 1949
  • (D) 15th August 1950

Answer: 26th November 1949

The Constitution of India was adopted on 26th November 1949 and came into effect on 26th January 1950.

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Which of the following can amend the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) The President
  • (B) Parliament
  • (C) The President and State Legislatures
  • (D) The Parliament and President

Answer: Parliament

The Parliament is empowered to amend the Indian Constitution as per the provisions laid down in Article 368.

The Parliament of India can alter the boundaries of a State only with the consent of:

  • (A) The President
  • (B) The Chief Minister of the State
  • (C) The Governor of the State
  • (D) The State Legislature

Answer: The State Legislature

The Parliament can alter the boundaries of a state only if the state legislature passes a resolution consenting to the change.

Which of the following powers is given to the Parliament of India under Article 249?

  • (A) The power to create new states
  • (B) The power to make laws on matters in the Union List
  • (C) The power to dissolve the Rajya Sabha
  • (D) The power to remove the President

Answer: The power to make laws on matters in the Union List

Article 249 gives the Indian Parliament the power to make laws on matters in the Union List, which is the exclusive domain of the central government.

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Which of the following is the correct procedure for the amendment of the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) A Bill must be passed by both Houses of Parliament
  • (B) A Bill must be approved by the President
  • (C) A Bill must be approved by the Supreme Court
  • (D) A Bill must be passed by Parliament and signed by the President

Answer: A Bill must be passed by both Houses of Parliament

The amendment of the Indian Constitution requires a bill to be passed by both Houses of Parliament and, in some cases, ratified by the states.

Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the abolition of titles?

  • (A) Article 18
  • (B) Article 19
  • (C) Article 20
  • (D) Article 21

Answer: Article 18

Article 18 of the Indian Constitution abolishes titles except military and academic distinctions.

Under which article of the Indian Constitution does the provision for the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha exist?

  • (A) Article 80
  • (B) Article 81
  • (C) Article 82
  • (D) Article 83

Answer: Article 80

Article 80 provides for the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of Parliament and the composition of the House.

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Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution deals with the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court?

  • (A) Article 124
  • (B) Article 125
  • (C) Article 126
  • (D) Article 127

Answer: Article 124

Article 124 of the Indian Constitution deals with the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court.


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