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Which of the following is NOT a part of the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) Fundamental Duties
  • (B) Directive Principles of State Policy
  • (C) Preamble
  • (D) Right to Education

Answer: Right to Education

The Right to Education was added to the Constitution by the 86th Amendment Act of 2002 and is not part of the original document.

The power to grant a pardon, reprieve, respites, or remission of punishment in India lies with:

  • (A) The Prime Minister
  • (B) The President
  • (C) The Governor
  • (D) The Chief Justice of India

Answer: The President

The President of India has the power to grant pardons, reprieves and other forms of clemency under Article 72 of the Indian Constitution.

The Indian Constitution describes India as a:

  • (A) Republic
  • (B) Democratic Republic
  • (C) Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic
  • (D) Federal Republic

Answer: Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic

The Preamble to the Indian Constitution describes India as a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic.

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The concept of a Secular State is enshrined in which part of the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) Part I
  • (B) Part II
  • (C) Part III
  • (D) Part IV

Answer: Part II

The concept of a secular state, where the state does not favor any religion, is enshrined in Part II of the Indian Constitution.

Which of the following amendments to the Indian Constitution introduced the provision of reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies?

  • (A) 24th Amendment
  • (B) 39th Amendment
  • (C) 44th Amendment
  • (D) 79th Amendment

Answer: 79th Amendment

The 79th Amendment to the Indian Constitution provided for the reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies.

Which of the following is true about the President?s Rule in a state?

  • (A) It is declared by the Chief Minister
  • (B) It is declared by the Governor of the state
  • (C) It is declared by the President of India
  • (D) It can only be declared during a national emergency

Answer: It is declared by the President of India

Presidents Rule in a state can be imposed when the President believes that the government in the state cannot function as per the Constitution.

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The President of India can address the Parliament under which article?

  • (A) Article 86
  • (B) Article 87
  • (C) Article 88
  • (D) Article 89

Answer: Article 87

Article 87 of the Indian Constitution empowers the President to address the Parliament at the commencement of the first session after each general election.

The Indian Constitution provides for the separation of powers between which three organs of government?

  • (A) Executive, Legislature, Judiciary
  • (B) Executive, Legislature, Media
  • (C) Judiciary, Parliament, President
  • (D) Legislature, Media, Judiciary

Answer: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary

The Indian Constitution provides for the separation of powers between the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary to ensure checks and balances.

Who is authorized to declare a national emergency in India?

  • (A) The Prime Minister
  • (B) The President
  • (C) The Chief Justice of India
  • (D) The Parliament

Answer: The President

The President of India has the authority to declare a national emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution.

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Which of the following Fundamental Rights is available to both citizens and non-citizens?

  • (A) Right to Equality
  • (B) Right to Freedom
  • (C) Right to Education
  • (D) Right to Protection from Arrest

Answer: Right to Equality

The Right to Equality is available to all persons, including non-citizens, as per Article 14 of the Indian Constitution.


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