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Which language is primarily spoken in Assam?

  • (A) Assamese
  • (B) Bengali
  • (C) Bodo
  • (D) Hindi

Answer: Assamese

Assamese is the primary language spoken in Assam and is the official language of the state.

Which of the following is the second most spoken language in India?

  • (A) Bengali
  • (B) Telugu
  • (C) Marathi
  • (D) Urdu

Answer: Telugu

Telugu is the second most spoken language in India after Hindi.

Which language is primarily spoken in the state of Tamil Nadu?

  • (A) Kannada
  • (B) Tamil
  • (C) Telugu
  • (D) Malayalam

Answer: Tamil

Tamil is the official and most widely spoken language in Tamil Nadu.

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What is the state language of West Bengal?

  • (A) Tamil
  • (B) Bengali
  • (C) Hindi
  • (D) Telugu

Answer: Bengali

Bengali is the official language of West Bengal and is spoken by the majority in the state.

Which of these is not an official language in India?

  • (A) Hindi
  • (B) Marathi
  • (C) Tamil
  • (D) French

Answer: French

French is not an official language in India. India has 22 official languages.

The state of Punjab primarily speaks which language?

  • (A) Hindi
  • (B) Punjabi
  • (C) Bengali
  • (D) Urdu

Answer: Punjabi

Punjabi is the official language of Punjab and is widely spoken in the state.

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Which language is spoken in the state of Goa?

  • (A) Konkani
  • (B) Marathi
  • (C) Kannada
  • (D) Gujarati

Answer: Konkani

Konkani is the official language of Goa and is widely spoken across the state.

Which of these languages is a classical language of India?

  • (A) Sanskrit
  • (B) Punjabi
  • (C) Urdu
  • (D) Hindi

Answer: Sanskrit

Sanskrit is considered a classical language in India due to its ancient roots and rich literature.

What is the primary language spoken in the state of Kerala?

  • (A) Malayalam
  • (B) Tamil
  • (C) Telugu
  • (D) Kannada

Answer: Malayalam

Malayalam is the primary language spoken in Kerala, a state in the southern part of India.

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Which language is spoken by the maximum number of people in India?

  • (A) Hindi
  • (B) Telugu
  • (C) Bengali
  • (D) Marathi

Answer: Hindi

Hindi is spoken by the largest number of people across India, especially in the northern region.


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