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What is the national motto of Saint Lucia?

  • (A) Land of Freedom
  • (B) For God and Saint Lucia
  • (C) Unity in Progress
  • (D) Strength and Peace

Answer: For God and Saint Lucia

For God and Saint Lucia is the national motto of Saint Lucia, reflecting the country?s Christian faith and commitment to national development.

What is the national anthem of Saint Lucia?

  • (A) Saint Lucia, Land of the Free
  • (B) Hail to Saint Lucia
  • (C) The Land of Saint Lucia
  • (D) Rise Up, Saint Lucia

Answer: Saint Lucia, Land of the Free

Saint Lucia, Land of the Free is the national anthem of Saint Lucia, celebrating the country?s independence and freedom.

What is the national bird of Saint Lucia?

  • (A) The Saint Lucia Parrot
  • (B) The White Heron
  • (C) The Red-vented Bulbul
  • (D) The Eastern Meadowlark

Answer: The Saint Lucia Parrot

The Saint Lucia Parrot is the national bird of Saint Lucia, found only in the rainforests of the island and an endangered species.

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What is the national tree of Saint Lucia?

  • (A) The Silk Cotton Tree
  • (B) The Mango Tree
  • (C) The Banana Plant
  • (D) The Breadfruit Tree

Answer: The Silk Cotton Tree

The Silk Cotton Tree is the national tree of Saint Lucia, symbolizing the island?s rich cultural heritage.

What is the national day of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

  • (A) Sep-16
  • (B) Jun-15
  • (C) Aug-08
  • (D) Sep-19

Answer: Sep-16

September 16 is Saint Kitts and Nevis?s National Day, celebrating the country?s independence from Britain in 1983.

What is the national motto of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

  • (A) Unity in Diversity
  • (B) Progress Through Peace
  • (C) Faith and Freedom
  • (D) Strength in Unity

Answer: Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity is the national motto of Saint Kitts and Nevis, emphasizing the strength of the nation?s harmonious diversity.

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What is the national anthem of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

  • (A) O Land of Beauty
  • (B) The People?s Anthem
  • (C) Rise Up, Saint Kitts
  • (D) Glory to the Island

Answer: O Land of Beauty

O Land of Beauty is the national anthem of Saint Kitts and Nevis, celebrating the country?s natural beauty and heritage.

What is the national bird of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

  • (A) Brown Pelican
  • (B) Nevis Rock Agama
  • (C) Green Heron
  • (D) Zenaida Dove

Answer: Nevis Rock Agama

The Nevis Rock Agama is the national bird of Saint Kitts and Nevis, an iconic species found only on the island of Nevis.

What is the national tree of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

  • (A) Cactus Tree
  • (B) Soursop Tree
  • (C) Palm Tree
  • (D) Silver Birch

Answer: Palm Tree

The Palm Tree is the national tree of Saint Kitts and Nevis, representing the tropical environment of the island nation.

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What is the national day of Rwanda?

  • (A) Jul-01
  • (B) Apr-07
  • (C) Sep-01
  • (D) Aug-15

Answer: Apr-07

April 7 is Rwanda's National Day, commemorating the start of the 1994 genocide and the subsequent liberation of the country.


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