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What is the national day of Papua New Guinea?

  • (A) Sep-16
  • (B) Nov-11
  • (C) Jul-04
  • (D) Dec-25

Answer: Sep-16

September 16 is Papua New Guinea's Independence Day, commemorating the country?s independence from Australia in 1975.

What is the national motto of Papua New Guinea?

  • (A) Unity in Diversity
  • (B) Strength Through Unity
  • (C) One Nation, One People
  • (D) For God and Country

Answer: Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity is Papua New Guinea's national motto, highlighting the importance of unity amidst cultural diversity.

What is the national anthem of Papua New Guinea?

  • (A) O Arise All You Sons
  • (B) Land of the Brave
  • (C) Our Land, Our Future
  • (D) We Stand United

Answer: O Arise All You Sons

O Arise All You Sons is the national anthem of Papua New Guinea, celebrating national unity and patriotism.

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What is the national bird of Papua New Guinea?

  • (A) Birds of Paradise
  • (B) Kingfisher
  • (C) Parrot
  • (D) Eagle

Answer: Birds of Paradise

The Birds of Paradise are the national birds of Papua New Guinea, renowned for their striking plumage and cultural importance.

What is the national tree of Papua New Guinea?

  • (A) Coconut Tree
  • (B) Ebony Tree
  • (C) Rainforest Tree
  • (D) Casuarina Tree

Answer: Coconut Tree

The Coconut Tree is the national tree of Papua New Guinea, symbolizing the country's tropical landscape and economy.

What is the national day of Panama?

  • (A) Nov-03
  • (B) Aug-15
  • (C) Dec-25
  • (D) Oct-12

Answer: Nov-03

November 3 is Panama's National Day, marking the country's separation from Colombia in 1903.

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What is the national motto of Panama?

  • (A) For God and Country
  • (B) Unity in Diversity
  • (C) Freedom and Justice
  • (D) In Peace, We Prosper

Answer: For God and Country

For God and Country is Panama?s national motto, emphasizing the importance of faith and national unity.

What is the national anthem of Panama?

  • (A) Himno Istme?o
  • (B) Patria y Libertad
  • (C) March of the Panama
  • (D) Himno de la Tierra

Answer: Himno Istme?o

Himno Istme?o is the national anthem of Panama, reflecting the country?s pride and sovereignty.

What is the national bird of Panama?

  • (A) Harpy Eagle
  • (B) Panama Parrot
  • (C) Resplendent Quetzal
  • (D) Golden Eagle

Answer: Panama Parrot

The Panama Parrot is the national bird of Panama, a symbol of the country's rich wildlife and tropical forests.

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What is the national day of Palau?

  • (A) Jul-04
  • (B) Nov-24
  • (C) Mar-01
  • (D) Oct-21

Answer: Mar-01

March 1 is Palau?s National Day, celebrating the country?s independence from the United States in 1994.


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