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What is the national day of Venezuela?

  • (A) Jun-24
  • (B) Jul-05
  • (C) Feb-12
  • (D) Dec-25

Answer: Jul-05

July 5 is Venezuela?s National Day, commemorating the country?s declaration of independence from Spain in 1811.

What is the national motto of Venezuela?

  • (A) Libertad y Orden
  • (B) Union y Progreso
  • (C) La Patria Primero
  • (D) En Dios Confiamos

Answer: Libertad y Orden

Libertad y Orden is the national motto of Venezuela, meaning Liberty and Order, reflecting the country?s values of freedom and justice.

What is the national anthem of Venezuela?

  • (A) Gloria al Bravo Pueblo
  • (B) Himno Nacional de Venezuela
  • (C) Venezuela, la Patria
  • (D) March of the Heroes

Answer: Gloria al Bravo Pueblo

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo is the national anthem of Venezuela, written to honor the country?s independence and revolutionary spirit.

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What is the national bird of Venezuela?

  • (A) Andean Condor
  • (B) Venezuelan Troupial
  • (C) Scarlet Ibis
  • (D) Venezuelan Parrot

Answer: Venezuelan Troupial

The Venezuelan Troupial is the national bird of Venezuela, recognized for its bright orange and black plumage.

What is the national day of Vatican City?

  • (A) Dec-08
  • (B) Feb-11
  • (C) Jun-29
  • (D) Nov-11

Answer: Feb-11

February 11 is Vatican City's National Day, commemorating the Lateran Treaty in 1929, which established Vatican City as an independent sovereign state.

What is the national anthem of Vatican City?

  • (A) Vaticano
  • (B) Inno e Marcia Pontificale
  • (C) Gloria in Excelsis Deo
  • (D) La Marcia Reale

Answer: Inno e Marcia Pontificale

Inno e Marcia Pontificale is the national anthem of Vatican City, used during official state functions and church ceremonies.

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What is the national bird of Vatican City?

  • (A) Dove
  • (B) Eagle
  • (C) Falcon
  • (D) Parrot

Answer: Dove

The Dove is the national bird of Vatican City, representing peace and the Holy Spirit in Christian symbolism.

What is the national day of Uzbekistan?

  • (A) Mar-21
  • (B) Sep-01
  • (C) Dec-12
  • (D) Oct-01

Answer: Sep-01

September 1 is Uzbekistan?s National Day, marking its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

What is the national motto of Uzbekistan?

  • (A) Unity, Peace, Progress
  • (B) Strength and Prosperity
  • (C) Liberty and Justice
  • (D) Independence, Unity, Progress

Answer: Independence, Unity, Progress

Independence, Unity, Progress is the national motto of Uzbekistan, reflecting the values upon which the nation is built.

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What is the national anthem of Uzbekistan?

  • (A) O?zbekiston
  • (B) March of the Brave
  • (C) Land of the Free
  • (D) Glory to Uzbekistan

Answer: O?zbekiston

O?zbekiston is the national anthem of Uzbekistan, celebrating the country?s independence and national pride.


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