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What is the national day of Nauru?

  • (A) Jan-01
  • (B) Aug-15
  • (C) Dec-25
  • (D) Jul-21

Answer: Jul-21

July 21 is Nauru?s National Day, commemorating the country?s independence from Australia in 1968.

What is the national motto of Nauru?

  • (A) Justice and Peace
  • (B) Freedom Through Unity
  • (C) Eternal Strength
  • (D) Unity in Peace

Answer: Unity in Peace

Unity in Peace is the national motto of Nauru, reflecting the island's peaceful nature and the importance of national harmony.

What is the national anthem of Nauru?

  • (A) Nauru Bwiema
  • (B) Song of the Nation
  • (C) Land of the Brave
  • (D) Freedom and Justice

Answer: Nauru Bwiema

Nauru Bwiema is the national anthem of Nauru, symbolizing the country?s unity and independence.

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What is the national bird of Nauru?

  • (A) Nauru Reed Warbler
  • (B) Pacific Wren
  • (C) White-tailed Tropicbird
  • (D) Nauru Fruit Dove

Answer: Nauru Reed Warbler

The Nauru Reed Warbler is the national bird of Nauru, unique to the island and critically endangered.

What is the national tree of Nauru?

  • (A) Coconut Tree
  • (B) Pine Tree
  • (C) Tamarind Tree
  • (D) Banana Tree

Answer: Coconut Tree

The Coconut Tree is the national tree of Nauru, reflecting the country?s tropical environment and the importance of coconut in Nauru?s economy and culture.

What is the national day of Namibia?

  • (A) Mar-21
  • (B) Jul-04
  • (C) Nov-10
  • (D) Dec-25

Answer: Mar-21

March 21 is Namibia?s National Day, commemorating the country's independence from South Africa in 1990.

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What is the national motto of Namibia?

  • (A) Unity is Strength
  • (B) Strength Through Unity
  • (C) Peace and Prosperity
  • (D) Freedom and Justice

Answer: Strength Through Unity

Strength Through Unity is Namibia's national motto, emphasizing the importance of unity for national progress.

What is the national anthem of Namibia?

  • (A) Namibia, Land of the Brave
  • (B) Song of the Nations
  • (C) Land of the Brave
  • (D) Together We Stand

Answer: Namibia, Land of the Brave

Namibia, Land of the Brave is the national anthem of Namibia, celebrating the country's courage and independence.

What is the national bird of Namibia?

  • (A) Namibian Bustard
  • (B) African Fish Eagle
  • (C) Greater Flamingo
  • (D) Blue Crane

Answer: Namibian Bustard

The Namibian Bustard is the national bird of Namibia, known for its distinctive appearance and ability to survive in arid environments.

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What is the national tree of Namibia?

  • (A) Baobab Tree
  • (B) Mopane Tree
  • (C) Yellowwood Tree
  • (D) Camelthorn Tree

Answer: Mopane Tree

The Mopane Tree is the national tree of Namibia, known for its resilience to harsh environments and its importance to the local ecosystem.


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