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What is the national motto of Hungary?

  • (A) Unity in Strength
  • (B) For the Nation, For the Land
  • (C) Freedom, Strength, Unity
  • (D) Faith and Loyalty

Answer: For the Nation, For the Land

For the Nation, For the Land is the national motto of Hungary, emphasizing patriotism and national solidarity.

What is the national anthem of Hungary?

  • (A) Himnusz
  • (B) Land of Freedom
  • (C) March of the Nation
  • (D) Song of Liberty

Answer: Himnusz

Himnusz is the national anthem of Hungary, symbolizing the nation?s history, struggles and aspirations for a brighter future.

What is the national bird of Hungary?

  • (A) Golden Eagle
  • (B) Eurasian Eagle-owl
  • (C) Great Bustard
  • (D) White-tailed Eagle

Answer: Great Bustard

The Great Bustard is the national bird of Hungary, known for its impressive size and rarity.

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What is the national day of Honduras?

  • (A) Sep-15
  • (B) Feb-28
  • (C) May-20
  • (D) Oct-12

Answer: Sep-15

September 15 is Honduras?s National Day, marking its independence from Spain in 1821.

What is the national motto of Honduras?

  • (A) Liberty and Justice
  • (B) Freedom and Unity
  • (C) Work and Progress
  • (D) Strength and Honor

Answer: Work and Progress

Work and Progress is the national motto of Honduras, reflecting the country's goals of improving the quality of life for its citizens through hard work.

What is the national anthem of Honduras?

  • (A) Himno Nacional de Honduras
  • (B) March of the Nation
  • (C) Land of Freedom
  • (D) Glory to the Homeland

Answer: Himno Nacional de Honduras

Himno Nacional de Honduras is the national anthem of Honduras, reflecting national pride and patriotism.

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What is the national bird of Honduras?

  • (A) Scarlet Macaw
  • (B) Honduras Parrot
  • (C) Mountain Quail
  • (D) Blue Heron

Answer: Honduras Parrot

The Honduras Parrot is the national bird of Honduras, native to the country and a symbol of biodiversity.

What is the national tree of Honduras?

  • (A) Pine Tree
  • (B) Ceiba Tree
  • (C) Mahogany Tree
  • (D) Coconut Palm

Answer: Ceiba Tree

The Ceiba Tree is the national tree of Honduras, symbolizing the country's natural beauty and resources.

What is the national day of Haiti?

  • (A) Jan-01
  • (B) May-18
  • (C) Dec-25
  • (D) Nov-02

Answer: Jan-01

January 1 is Haiti?s National Day, celebrating the country's independence from France in 1804.

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What is the national motto of Haiti?

  • (A) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
  • (B) Work, Freedom, Justice
  • (C) Unity and Strength
  • (D) Justice and Equality

Answer: Work, Freedom, Justice

Work, Freedom, Justice is the national motto of Haiti, emphasizing the country?s commitment to liberty and equal rights for all its citizens.


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