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What is the national motto of the Czech Republic?

  • (A) Truth prevails
  • (B) Liberty and Justice
  • (C) For Honor and Glory
  • (D) Strength and Unity

Answer: Truth prevails

Truth prevails is the national motto of the Czech Republic, emphasizing the importance of honesty and integrity in the nation's development.

What is the national anthem of the Czech Republic?

  • (A) Kde domov m?j
  • (B) Hymn to Liberty
  • (C) Song of the Nation
  • (D) Czech Glory

Answer: Kde domov m?j

Kde domov m?j is the national anthem of the Czech Republic, expressing a love for the homeland and a desire for national unity.

What is the national bird of the Czech Republic?

  • (A) Czech Sparrow
  • (B) Golden Eagle
  • (C) White-tailed Eagle
  • (D) Barn Owl

Answer: Czech Sparrow

The Czech Sparrow is the national bird of the Czech Republic, reflecting the country?s rural traditions and natural beauty.

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What is the national tree of the Czech Republic?

  • (A) Linden Tree
  • (B) Pine Tree
  • (C) Oak Tree
  • (D) Beech Tree

Answer: Linden Tree

The Linden Tree is the national tree of the Czech Republic, symbolizing the nation?s natural heritage and culture.

What is the national day of Cyprus?

  • (A) Nov-15
  • (B) Oct-01
  • (C) Aug-15
  • (D) Independence Day

Answer: Nov-15

November 15 is Cyprus? National Day, marking the declaration of independence from Britain in 1960.

What is the national motto of Cyprus?

  • (A) Unity is Strength
  • (B) Freedom for All
  • (C) Liberty, Justice and Peace
  • (D) Homeland above all

Answer: Liberty, Justice and Peace

Liberty, Justice and Peace is the national motto of Cyprus, reflecting the country?s commitment to democratic values.

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What is the national anthem of Cyprus?

  • (A) Hymn to Liberty
  • (B) March of Cyprus
  • (C) Song of the People
  • (D) Glory to the Motherland

Answer: Hymn to Liberty

Hymn to Liberty is the national anthem of Cyprus, a song of freedom and national pride.

What is the national bird of Cyprus?

  • (A) Cyprus Warbler
  • (B) Griffon Vulture
  • (C) European Herring Gull
  • (D) Cyprus Eagle

Answer: Cyprus Warbler

The Cyprus Warbler is the national bird of Cyprus, a unique and endangered species native to the island.

What is the national day of Cuba?

  • (A) Jul-26
  • (B) May-01
  • (C) Oct-10
  • (D) Nov-25

Answer: Jul-26

July 26 is Cuba?s National Day, commemorating the attack on the Moncada Barracks in 1953, marking the start of the Cuban Revolution.

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What is the national motto of Cuba?

  • (A) Victory and Honor
  • (B) With the People
  • (C) Homeland or Death
  • (D) Freedom and Revolution

Answer: Homeland or Death

Homeland or Death is the national motto of Cuba, symbolizing the revolutionary spirit and the country's commitment to freedom.


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