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What is the national tree of Comoros?

  • (A) Coconut Palm
  • (B) Baobab Tree
  • (C) Mango Tree
  • (D) Tamarind Tree

Answer: Coconut Palm

The Coconut Palm is the national tree of Comoros, symbolizing the tropical environment and agricultural significance.

What is the national day of Colombia?

  • (A) Jul-20
  • (B) Aug-07
  • (C) Dec-08
  • (D) Oct-12

Answer: Jul-20

July 20 is Colombia?s National Day, commemorating the country?s declaration of independence from Spain in 1810.

What is the national motto of Colombia?

  • (A) Liberty and Unity
  • (B) Freedom and Justice
  • (C) Order and Liberty
  • (D) The People?s Strength

Answer: Order and Liberty

Order and Liberty is the national motto of Colombia, reflecting the balance between social order and individual freedom.

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What is the national anthem of Colombia?

  • (A) Himno Nacional de Colombia
  • (B) Song of Colombia
  • (C) Glory to the Fatherland
  • (D) March of the Republic

Answer: Himno Nacional de Colombia

Himno Nacional de Colombia is the national anthem of Colombia, expressing pride in the nation's freedom and independence.

What is the national bird of Colombia?

  • (A) Andean Condor
  • (B) Colombian Flamingo
  • (C) Bird of Paradise
  • (D) Golden Eagle

Answer: Andean Condor

The Andean Condor is the national bird of Colombia, recognized for its majestic flight and symbolic representation of strength and freedom.

What is the national tree of Colombia?

  • (A) Wax Palm
  • (B) Andean Oak
  • (C) Quind?o Wax Palm
  • (D) Cacao Tree

Answer: Quind?o Wax Palm

The Quind?o Wax Palm is the national tree of Colombia, symbolizing the country's diverse flora and the conservation efforts for this endangered species.

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What is the national day of China?

  • (A) Oct-01
  • (B) Jul-04
  • (C) May-01
  • (D) Aug-15

Answer: Oct-01

October 1 is China?s National Day, commemorating the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

What is the national motto of China?

  • (A) Unity and Strength
  • (B) One Nation, One Dream
  • (C) For a Harmonious Society
  • (D) Serve the People

Answer: Serve the People

Serve the People is the national motto of China, emphasizing the central role of the people's welfare in government policy.

What is the national anthem of China?

  • (A) March of the Volunteers
  • (B) Song of the Communist Party
  • (C) The Great Motherland
  • (D) Rise Up, O People of China

Answer: March of the Volunteers

March of the Volunteers is the national anthem of China, reflecting the spirit of revolution and the desire for national rejuvenation.

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What is the national bird of China?

  • (A) Golden Eagle
  • (B) Red-crowned Crane
  • (C) Mandarin Duck
  • (D) Chinese Sparrow

Answer: Red-crowned Crane

The Red-crowned Crane is the national bird of China, symbolizing longevity, happiness and peace.


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