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What is the national tree of Canada?

  • (A) Maple Tree
  • (B) Pine Tree
  • (C) Birch Tree
  • (D) Oak Tree

Answer: Maple Tree

The Maple Tree is the national tree of Canada, symbolizing the country's natural beauty and is featured prominently on the Canadian flag.

What is the national day of Cameroon?

  • (A) Feb-11
  • (B) May-20
  • (C) Oct-01
  • (D) Aug-15

Answer: May-20

May 20 is Cameroon's National Day, marking the reunification of French-speaking and English-speaking parts of the country in 1972.

What is the national motto of Cameroon?

  • (A) Unity, Peace and Justice
  • (B) Strength in Unity
  • (C) Liberty and Justice
  • (D) Peace, Justice and Development

Answer: Peace, Justice and Development

Peace, Justice and Development is the national motto of Cameroon, highlighting the country?s focus on harmony and progress.

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What is the national anthem of Cameroon?

  • (A) O Cameroon, Cradle of Unity
  • (B) Cameroonian Pride
  • (C) Land of Freedom
  • (D) Glory to the Fatherland

Answer: O Cameroon, Cradle of Unity

O Cameroon, Cradle of Unity is the national anthem of Cameroon, expressing unity and patriotism for the country.

What is the national bird of Cameroon?

  • (A) African Grey Parrot
  • (B) White-bellied Sea Eagle
  • (C) Scarlet Ibis
  • (D) Black-crowned Crane

Answer: African Grey Parrot

The African Grey Parrot is the national bird of Cameroon, admired for its intelligence and ability to mimic sounds.

What is the national tree of Cameroon?

  • (A) Mahogany
  • (B) Ebony Tree
  • (C) Rubber Tree
  • (D) Baobab Tree

Answer: Ebony Tree

The Ebony Tree is the national tree of Cameroon, known for its durable wood and symbolic significance.

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What is the national day of Cambodia?

  • (A) Jan-07
  • (B) Apr-17
  • (C) May-14
  • (D) Nov-09

Answer: Jan-07

January 7 is Cambodia's National Day, commemorating the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979.

What is the national motto of Cambodia?

  • (A) Unity, Peace and Harmony
  • (B) Independence, Peace and Unity
  • (C) Strength through Peace
  • (D) Freedom and Prosperity

Answer: Independence, Peace and Unity

Independence, Peace and Unity is the national motto of Cambodia, reflecting the values that unite the nation.

What is the national anthem of Cambodia?

  • (A) Nokor Reach
  • (B) Cambodia Forever
  • (C) Royal Anthem of Cambodia
  • (D) March of the Heroes

Answer: Nokor Reach

Nokor Reach is the national anthem of Cambodia, expressing the pride and patriotism of the Cambodian people.

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What is the national bird of Cambodia?

  • (A) White-bellied Sea Eagle
  • (B) Greater Adjutant
  • (C) Asian Elephant
  • (D) Indian Peacock

Answer: Greater Adjutant

The Greater Adjutant is the national bird of Cambodia, known for its distinctive appearance and its importance in Cambodian culture.


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