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What is the national tree of Brazil?

  • (A) Pau-Brasil
  • (B) Amazon Lily
  • (C) Brazil Nut Tree
  • (D) Mahogany Tree

Answer: Pau-Brasil

The Pau-Brasil tree is the national tree of Brazil, symbolizing the country's rich natural resources.

What is the national day of Botswana?

  • (A) Jul-18
  • (B) Sep-30
  • (C) Oct-01
  • (D) Sep-30

Answer: Sep-30

September 30 is Botswana's National Day, celebrating its independence from the United Kingdom in 1966.

What is the national motto of Botswana?

  • (A) Freedom and Justice
  • (B) Peace, Unity and Prosperity
  • (C) Unity, Faith and Freedom
  • (D) God is Our Guide

Answer: Peace, Unity and Prosperity

The national motto reflects Botswana's core values of peace, unity and prosperity.

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What is the national anthem of Botswana?

  • (A) Fatshe La Rona
  • (B) Our Land
  • (C) Botswana, Forever
  • (D) Glory to Botswana

Answer: Fatshe La Rona

Fatshe La Rona is the national anthem of Botswana, celebrating the beauty and unity of the nation.

What is the national tree of Botswana?

  • (A) Baobab Tree
  • (B) Mopane Tree
  • (C) Marula Tree
  • (D) Leadwood Tree

Answer: Marula Tree

The Marula Tree is the national tree of Botswana, symbolizing resilience and fertility.

What is the national day of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

  • (A) Jul-11
  • (B) Nov-25
  • (C) Mar-01
  • (D) Nov-25

Answer: Nov-25

November 25 is Bosnia and Herzegovina's National Day, marking the date of the signing of the Dayton Agreement in 1995.

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What is the national motto of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

  • (A) Unity is Strength
  • (B) Freedom and Peace
  • (C) In Unity, We Find Strength
  • (D) One Nation, One State

Answer: In Unity, We Find Strength

The motto emphasizes the importance of unity for strength and stability in the country.

What is the national anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

  • (A) Jedna si jedina
  • (B) Dr?avna himna
  • (C) Intermeco
  • (D) Preci iz nacije

Answer: Dr?avna himna

Dr?avna himna is the national anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina, symbolizing the unity and spirit of the nation.

What is the national tree of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

  • (A) Pine Tree
  • (B) Oak Tree
  • (C) Silver Birch
  • (D) Maple Tree

Answer: Oak Tree

The Oak Tree is the national tree of Bosnia and Herzegovina, representing strength and resilience.

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What is the national day of Bolivia?

  • (A) Aug-06
  • (B) Sep-16
  • (C) Oct-10
  • (D) Dec-25

Answer: Aug-06

August 6 is Bolivia's National Day, marking the declaration of independence from Spain in 1825.


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