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Answer: Western India Products
WIPRO is an Indian multinational company that provides information technology consulting and business process services.
Answer: World Intellectual Property Organization
WIPO promotes and protects intellectual property rights globally.
Answer: Working Group on Internet Governance
WGIG is a group formed to address global issues surrounding internet governance.
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Answer: World Federation of Trade Unions
WFTU is an international organization representing trade unions and workers worldwide.
Answer: World Food Program
WFP is an organization that provides food assistance to those affected by hunger worldwide.
Answer: World Economic Forum
WEF is an international organization for public-private cooperation aimed at improving the global economy.
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Answer: World Development Forum
WDF is an event or body where world leaders meet to discuss global development issues.
Answer: West Bengal Public Service Commission
WBPSC is the state recruitment agency for various administrative services in West Bengal.
Answer: West Bengal Civil Service
WBCS is a civil services exam conducted by the West Bengal Public Service Commission.
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Answer: World Association for Visual and Environmental Education
WAVE is an international organization focused on visual and environmental education.
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