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What does WAP stand for?

  • (A) Wireless Application Protocol
  • (B) Web Application Protocol
  • (C) Wireless Access Protocol
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Wireless Application Protocol

WAP is a protocol used to access data on mobile devices over wireless networks.

What does WADA stand for?

  • (A) World Anti-Doping Agency
  • (B) World Athlete Development Agency
  • (C) Worldwide Anti-Doping Agency
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: World Anti-Doping Agency

WADA is responsible for promoting and monitoring the fight against doping in sports worldwide.

What does VRS stand for?

  • (A) Voluntary Retirement Scheme
  • (B) Voluntary Reduction in Service
  • (C) Variable Retirement Scheme
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Voluntary Retirement Scheme

VRS is an option provided by companies to employees to voluntarily retire with compensation.

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What does VPP stand for?

  • (A) Value Proposition Plan
  • (B) Variable Payment Plan
  • (C) Virtual Private Project
  • (D) Virtual Processing Plan

Answer: Value Proposition Plan

VPP refers to a strategic approach to delivering value to customers in business.

What does VPN stand for?

  • (A) Virtual Private Network
  • (B) Variable Private Network
  • (C) Value Public Network
  • (D) Virtual Personal Network

Answer: Virtual Private Network

VPN allows for secure connections over the internet by masking the users IP address.

What does VOIP stand for?

  • (A) Voice Over Internet Protocol
  • (B) Value of Information Processing
  • (C) Virtual Online Internet Protocol
  • (D) Variable Online Information Protocol

Answer: Voice Over Internet Protocol

VOIP is a technology that allows voice communication over the internet.

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What does VITEEE stand for?

  • (A) VIT Engineering Entrance Examination
  • (B) Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam
  • (C) VIT Educational Engineering Exam
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: VIT Engineering Entrance Examination

VITEEE is an entrance exam for admission to B.Tech programs at VIT University.

What does VISI stand for?

  • (A) Video Integrated Services Interface
  • (B) Virtual Integrated Safety Interface
  • (C) Variable Integrated Service Interaction
  • (D) Virtual Interface Security Integration

Answer: Video Integrated Services Interface

VISI is an interface used for video services providing integration for digital media systems.

What does VIRUS stand for?

  • (A) Vital Information Regulatory Undercover System
  • (B) Variable Integration Risk Utilization Strategy
  • (C) Vital Integrated Response Under Safety System
  • (D) Variable Intelligent Reporting Utility System

Answer: Vital Information Regulatory Undercover System

VIRUS typically refers to malicious software or code that damages or disrupts computers.

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What does VIP stand for?

  • (A) Very Important Person
  • (B) Variable Integrated Planning
  • (C) Value Integrated Person
  • (D) Virtual International Person

Answer: Very Important Person

VIP refers to individuals who are given special privileges or treatment due to their status.


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