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What does NRLM stand for?

  • (A) National Rural Livelihood Mission
  • (B) National Rural Learning Mission
  • (C) National Rural Labor Management
  • (D) National Rural Leadership Mission

Answer: National Rural Livelihood Mission

NRLM is an initiative by the Indian government aimed at reducing poverty in rural areas through livelihoods.

What does NRI stand for?

  • (A) National Resident Indian
  • (B) Non-Resident Indian
  • (C) New Resident Indian
  • (D) Non-Resident Immigrant

Answer: Non-Resident Indian

NRI refers to a person of Indian origin who resides outside of India.

What does NRDC stand for?

  • (A) National Research and Development Corporation
  • (B) National Rural Development Corporation
  • (C) National Regulatory Development Council
  • (D) National Regional Development Corporation

Answer: National Research and Development Corporation

NRDC is an organization focused on the development and commercialization of indigenous technologies in India.

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What does NPCIL stand for?

  • (A) Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited
  • (B) Nuclear Power Committee of India Limited
  • (C) National Power Corporation of India Limited
  • (D) Nuclear Power Commission of India Limited

Answer: Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited

NPCIL is a government-owned corporation that operates nuclear power plants in India.

What does NPAT stand for?

  • (A) NPAT stands for Narsee Monjee Proficiency Aptitude Test
  • (B) Narsee Monjee Admission and Placement Test
  • (C) Narsee Monjee Aptitude Test
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Narsee Monjee Proficiency Aptitude Test

NPAT is an entrance exam for undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies.

What does NIT stand for?

  • (A) National Institute of Technology
  • (B) National Institute of Technical Studies
  • (C) National Innovation Technology
  • (D) New Indian Technology

Answer: National Institute of Technology

NIT is a network of premier engineering institutes in India offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

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What does NIMHANS stand for?

  • (A) National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
  • (B) National Institute of Medical Health and Neurology Services
  • (C) National Institute of Mind Health and Neurology Studies
  • (D) National Institute for Mental Health and Studies

Answer: National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences

NIMHANS is a premier medical institution in India specializing in mental health and neurosciences.

What does NIMCET stand for?

  • (A) National Institute of Technology MCA Common Entrance Test
  • (B) National Institute of Mathematics Common Entrance Test
  • (C) National Institute of Modern Computer Engineering Test
  • (D) National Institute of Management Common Entrance Test

Answer: National Institute of Technology MCA Common Entrance Test

NIMCET is an entrance exam for admission to MCA programs at the National Institutes of Technology (NITs).

What does NIFT stand for?

  • (A) National Institute of Fashion Technology
  • (B) National Institute of Financial Technology
  • (C) New Institute of Fashion Training
  • (D) National Institute of Future Technology

Answer: National Institute of Fashion Technology

NIFT is a premier institute in India offering education in fashion design and technology.

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What does NIELIT stand for?

  • (A) National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
  • (B) National Institute for Electronics and Information Technology
  • (C) National Indian Electronics and Information Technology
  • (D) National Information and Electronics Technology

Answer: National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology

NIELIT is an organization for the development of electronics and IT in India.


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