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What does NID stand for?

  • (A) National Institute of Design
  • (B) National Institute of Development
  • (C) National Integrated Design
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: National Institute of Design

NID is a premier institute in India offering design education and research.

What does NICL stand for?

  • (A) National Insurance Company Limited
  • (B) National Insurance Corporation Limited
  • (C) National Institution for Commercial Law
  • (D) National Insurance Central Limited

Answer: National Insurance Company Limited

NICL is a public sector insurance company in India.

What does NIC stand for?

  • (A) National Industrial Corporation
  • (B) National Informatics Centre
  • (C) National Insurance Corporation
  • (D) National Infrastructure Council

Answer: National Informatics Centre

NIC is an organization that provides information technology services to the government of India.

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What does NHRC stand for?

  • (A) National Highways Research Council
  • (B) National Human Rights Commission
  • (C) National Health Regulatory Committee
  • (D) National Healthcare Reform Council

Answer: National Human Rights Commission

NHRC is an Indian statutory body responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights.

What does NHM stand for?

  • (A) National Health Mission
  • (B) National Healthcare Mission
  • (C) National Hospital Management
  • (D) National Health Management

Answer: National Health Mission

NHM is an initiative by the Government of India aimed at improving healthcare services across the country.

What does NHDP stand for?

  • (A) National Highways Development Program
  • (B) New Highways Development Program
  • (C) National Highway Development Program
  • (D) National High Development Program

Answer: National Highway Development Program

NHDP is a government initiative to upgrade maintain and develop highways across India.

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What does NHAI stand for?

  • (A) National Highways Authority of India
  • (B) National Health Authority of India
  • (C) National Housing Authority of India
  • (D) National Highway Agency of India

Answer: National Highways Authority of India

NHAI is a government body responsible for the development and maintenance of highways in India.

What does NGO stand for?

  • (A) National Government Organization
  • (B) Non-Governmental Organization
  • (C) National General Organization
  • (D) Non-Government Outreach

Answer: Non-Governmental Organization

NGOs are organizations that operate independently from the government to serve the public interest.

What does NFO stand for?

  • (A) New Fund Offer
  • (B) National Fund Offer
  • (C) New Finance Opportunity
  • (D) National Financial Offer

Answer: New Fund Offer

NFO is a process where mutual fund companies launch a new scheme for investors to subscribe.

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What does NEP stand for?

  • (A) National Educational Policy
  • (B) New Education Program
  • (C) National Entrance Program
  • (D) National Education Project

Answer: National Educational Policy

NEP is a policy framework by the Government of India to guide educational reforms.


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