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What does NBFC stand for?

  • (A) National Banking Financial Corporation
  • (B) Non-Banking Financial Company
  • (C) National Business Financial Company
  • (D) Non-Banking Financing Corporation

Answer: Non-Banking Financial Company

NBFCs are companies that offer banking services without holding a banking license.

What does NAV stand for?

  • (A) Net Asset Value
  • (B) National Asset Value
  • (C) New Asset Value
  • (D) Nominal Asset Value

Answer: Net Asset Value

NAV is the total value of a funds assets minus its liabilities commonly used in mutual funds.

What does NATO stand for?

  • (A) North American Treaty Organization
  • (B) National Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • (C) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • (D) National Alliance Treaty Organization

Answer: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 North American and European countries.

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What does NAT stand for?

  • (A) National Aptitude Test
  • (B) National Admission Test
  • (C) National Assessment Test
  • (D) National Aptitude Test for Engineers

Answer: National Aptitude Test

NAT is an exam for evaluating the aptitude of candidates for various courses conducted by various institutions.

What does NASSCOM stand for?

  • (A) National Association of Software and Service Companies
  • (B) National Association of Software Scientists
  • (C) National Association of Software and Sales Companies
  • (D) National Automated Software and Services Company

Answer: National Association of Software and Service Companies

NASSCOM is an industry association representing the IT-BPM sector in India.

What does NASDAQ stand for?

  • (A) National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
  • (B) National Association of Securities and Dealers Automatic
  • (C) National Association of Shares and Debt Quotes
  • (D) National Automated Shares and Debt Quotations

Answer: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

NASDAQ is a stock exchange and electronic marketplace for buying and selling securities.

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What does NAMA stand for?

  • (A) National Automotive Manufacturing Association
  • (B) National Agricultural Manufacturers Association
  • (C) North America Manufacturers Association
  • (D) National Asian Manufacturing Association

Answer: National Automotive Manufacturing Association

NAMA represents the manufacturers of vehicles in North America working to improve industry standards and policies.

What does NAM stand for?

  • (A) Non-Aligned Movement
  • (B) National Alliance Movement
  • (C) Non-Association Movement
  • (D) National Agricultural Movement

Answer: Non-Aligned Movement

NAM is a group of countries that do not formally align themselves with any major power bloc particularly in Cold War politics.

What does NALCO stand for?

  • (A) National Aluminium Company Limited
  • (B) National Alloy Company Limited
  • (C) National Aluminum Corporation Limited
  • (D) National Aluminium Cooperative Limited

Answer: National Aluminium Company Limited

NALCO is a state-owned enterprise in India that produces aluminum and other related products.

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What does NAFTA stand for?

  • (A) North American Free Trade Agreement
  • (B) North Atlantic Financial Trade Agreement
  • (C) North American Federation of Trade Agreements
  • (D) North American Free Trade Association

Answer: North American Free Trade Agreement

NAFTA is an agreement between Canada Mexico and the United States to eliminate trade barriers between them.


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