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What does BOT stand for?

  • (A) Build-Operate-Transfer
  • (B) Bureau of Operation Technology
  • (C) Bank of Operations Theory
  • (D) Business-Oriented Technology

Answer: Build-Operate-Transfer

BOT stands for Build-Operate-Transfer a model used for constructing infrastructure where a private firm handles construction and operation before transferring it to the government.

What does BOP stand for?

  • (A) Balance of Payments
  • (B) Bureau of Operations Planning
  • (C) Bank of Payments
  • (D) Board of Operations Policy

Answer: Balance of Payments

BOP stands for Balance of Payments a financial statement summarizing a countrys transactions with the rest of the world.

What does BOLT stand for?

  • (A) Build-Operate-Logistics-Transfer
  • (B) Build-Operate-Lease-Transfer
  • (C) Buy-Operate-Loan-Transfer
  • (D) Build-Operate-Transfer

Answer: Build-Operate-Transfer

BOLT stands for Build-Operate-Transfer a method of delivering infrastructure projects where a private company builds operates and transfers the project to the government.

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What does BIS stand for?

  • (A) Bureau of Indian Standards
  • (B) Banking Information System
  • (C) British Information Service
  • (D) Bureau of Information Studies

Answer: Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS stands for Bureau of Indian Standards the national body responsible for standardization in India.

What does BIFR stand for?

  • (A) Bureau of Indian Financial Regulation
  • (B) Bureau of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
  • (C) Bureau of Industrial Fiscal Resources
  • (D) Bureau of Industrial Financing Reforms

Answer: Bureau of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction

BIFR stands for Bureau of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction an organization focused on the rehabilitation of industrial units in India.

What does BHU UET stand for?

  • (A) Banaras Hindu University Undergraduate Entrance Test
  • (B) Banaras Hindu University Entrance Test
  • (C) Banaras Hindu University Examination Test
  • (D) Banaras Hindu University University Entrance Test

Answer: Banaras Hindu University Undergraduate Entrance Test

BHU UET is an entrance exam for admission to undergraduate courses at Banaras Hindu University.

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What does BHU PET stand for?

  • (A) Banaras Hindu University Postgraduate Entrance Test
  • (B) Banaras Higher University Postgraduate Entrance Test
  • (C) Banaras Higher Education Postgraduate Test
  • (D) None of the above

Answer: Banaras Hindu University Postgraduate Entrance Test

BHU PET is an entrance exam for postgraduate admissions at Banaras Hindu University.

What does BHEL stand for?

  • (A) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
  • (B) Bharat Heavy Engineering Limited
  • (C) Bharat Hydraulic Engineering Limited
  • (D) Bharat High-Tech Electricals Limited

Answer: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

BHEL is an engineering and manufacturing company specializing in power generation equipment.

What does BEd stand for?

  • (A) Bachelor of Education
  • (B) Bachelor of English Design
  • (C) Basic Engineering Degree
  • (D) Bachelor of Environmental Design

Answer: Bachelor of Education

BEd stands for Bachelor of Education a degree for aspiring educators.

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What does BCSBI stand for?

  • (A) Banking and Customer Services Bureau of India
  • (B) Bureau of Credit Standards in Banking India
  • (C) Banking Codes and Standards Board of India
  • (D) Bureau of Cooperative Society and Banking Institutions

Answer: Banking Codes and Standards Board of India

BCSBI stands for Banking Codes and Standards Board of India responsible for setting standards in banking.


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