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What does AVC stand for?

  • (A) Advanced Video Coding
  • (B) Automated Voice Conversion
  • (C) Average Variable Cost
  • (D) Agricultural Vehicle Corporation

Answer: Advanced Video Coding

AVC stands for Advanced Video Coding a video compression standard used for reducing file sizes.

What does AUM stand for?

  • (A) Assets Under Management
  • (B) Association of Universal Manufacturing
  • (C) Automated Usage Metric
  • (D) Advanced User Monitoring

Answer: Assets Under Management

AUM stands for Assets Under Management referring to the total market value of assets that an investment company manages.

What does AUDI stand for?

  • (A) Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt
  • (B) All Unique Driving Innovations
  • (C) Advanced Universal Driving Interface
  • (D) Automated Urban Driving Innovation

Answer: Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt

AUDI stands for Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt a German automobile manufacturer known for high-performance cars.

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What does ATV stand for?

  • (A) All-Terrain Vehicle
  • (B) Automated Technology Vehicle
  • (C) Advanced Transport Vehicle
  • (D) Agricultural Terrain Vehicle

Answer: All-Terrain Vehicle

ATV stands for All-Terrain Vehicle a type of vehicle designed for off-road use.

What does ATR stand for?

  • (A) Automatic Target Recognition
  • (B) Advanced Technology Radar
  • (C) Automated Text Retrieval
  • (D) Application of Transient Resources

Answer: Automatic Target Recognition

ATR stands for Automatic Target Recognition a system used in military and surveillance applications.

What does ATMA stand for?

  • (A) AIMS Test for Management Admissions
  • (B) All India Management Test
  • (C) Admission Test for Management Assessment
  • (D) Aptitude Test for Management Admission

Answer: AIMS Test for Management Admissions

ATMA is an entrance exam for admission to postgraduate management courses in India.

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What does ATM stand for?

  • (A) Automated Teller Machine
  • (B) Air Transport Management
  • (C) Advanced Technology Manufacturing
  • (D) Automatic Tracking Module

Answer: Automated Teller Machine

ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine a banking machine that allows for financial transactions without human assistance.

What does ATC stand for?

  • (A) Air Traffic Control
  • (B) Automated Telecommunication Center
  • (C) Advanced Technology Corporation
  • (D) Association of Transportation Councils

Answer: Air Traffic Control

ATC stands for Air Traffic Control referring to the service responsible for managing aircraft movements.

What does ATA stand for?

  • (A) American Transportation Association
  • (B) Advanced Telecommunication Agency
  • (C) Automated Transfer Account
  • (D) Association for Technology Advancement

Answer: American Transportation Association

ATA stands for American Transportation Association a trade organization for the transportation industry.

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What does AT&T stand for?

  • (A) American Telephone and Telegraph
  • (B) All-Time Telecommunications
  • (C) Automated Telecommunications and Transfers
  • (D) Advanced Technology & Telecommunication

Answer: American Telephone and Telegraph

AT&T stands for American Telephone and Telegraph a major telecommunications company in the USA.


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