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Looking for MCQs? You're in the right place! Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, school boards or just aiming to improve your knowledge, we offer MCQs for all levels and subjects.
Answer: Advanced Video Coding
AVC stands for Advanced Video Coding a video compression standard used for reducing file sizes.
Answer: Assets Under Management
AUM stands for Assets Under Management referring to the total market value of assets that an investment company manages.
Answer: Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt
AUDI stands for Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt a German automobile manufacturer known for high-performance cars.
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Answer: All-Terrain Vehicle
ATV stands for All-Terrain Vehicle a type of vehicle designed for off-road use.
Answer: Automatic Target Recognition
ATR stands for Automatic Target Recognition a system used in military and surveillance applications.
Answer: AIMS Test for Management Admissions
ATMA is an entrance exam for admission to postgraduate management courses in India.
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Answer: Automated Teller Machine
ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine a banking machine that allows for financial transactions without human assistance.
Answer: Air Traffic Control
ATC stands for Air Traffic Control referring to the service responsible for managing aircraft movements.
Answer: American Transportation Association
ATA stands for American Transportation Association a trade organization for the transportation industry.
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Answer: American Telephone and Telegraph
AT&T stands for American Telephone and Telegraph a major telecommunications company in the USA.
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