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Looking for MCQs? You're in the right place! Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, school boards or just aiming to improve your knowledge, we offer MCQs for all levels and subjects.
Answer: Ante Meridiem
AM is used to indicate time before midday from midnight to noon.
Answer: Advanced Information Technology User Committee
AIT UC stands for Advanced Information Technology User Committee focusing on technology usage and policies in India.
Answer: All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination
AISSEE is an entrance exam for admission to Sainik Schools in India for class VI and IX.
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Answer: All India Radio
AIR stands for All India Radio the national public radio broadcaster of India.
Answer: All India Pre-Medical Test
AIPMT was a national level entrance exam for medical admissions in India (now replaced by NEET).
Answer: All India Management Association
AIMA is a non-profit organization that promotes management education in India.
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Answer: All India Law Entrance Test
AILET is an entrance exam for admission to National Law University Delhi for undergraduate and postgraduate law courses.
Answer: All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AIIMS is a group of autonomous public medical colleges in India.
Answer: All India Engineering Entrance Examination
AIEEE was an entrance exam conducted by CBSE for admission to undergraduate engineering courses replaced by JEE.
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Answer: All India Democratic Women?s Association
AIDWA stands for All India Democratic Women?s Association a political organization fighting for womens rights in India.
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