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Looking for MCQs? You're in the right place! Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, school boards or just aiming to improve your knowledge, we offer MCQs for all levels and subjects.
Answer: Bipin Chandra
The Making of Modern India by Bipin Chandra focuses on India?s transformation during British colonial rule and its fight for independence.
Answer: Bipan Chandra
The Nationalist Movement in India by Bipan Chandra is a comprehensive analysis of India?s political struggle for independence.
Answer: Romila Thapar
A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India by Romila Thapar is an extensive work on early Indian history from the Vedic period to the medieval age.
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Answer: Rajmohan Gandhi
Rebels and Raj by Rajmohan Gandhi gives a detailed account of the Indian freedom struggle and its leaders.
Answer: O.P. Gauba
Political Theory: An Introduction by O.P. Gauba is a beginners guide to the basics of political theory, often used in competitive exams.
Answer: Nayanjot Lahiri
India and the World by Nayanjot Lahiri focuses on India?s relations with other countries and its place in the world stage.
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Answer: R.S. Sharma
India?s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma explores the early history of India, covering various empires and cultures.
Answer: Bipan Chandra
The Freedom Struggle: A Detailed Study by Bipan Chandra is a comprehensive work on the history of the Indian freedom struggle.
Answer: Radhakrishnan
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy by Radhakrishnan is an influential work in understanding the evolution of philosophical ideas in India.
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Answer: V.R. Mehta
Indian Political Thought: A Reader by V.R. Mehta explores the ideas and works of Indian political thinkers, making it essential for exams.
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