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Looking for MCQs? You're in the right place! Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, school boards or just aiming to improve your knowledge, we offer MCQs for all levels and subjects.
Answer: Ministry of Finance
The Economic Survey of India is an annual publication by the Ministry of Finance, providing an in-depth analysis of the Indian economy.
Answer: R.S. Sharma
State and Society in Medieval India by R.S. Sharma explores the social and political landscape of India during medieval times.
Answer: Satish Chandra
History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra provides an in-depth study of the medieval period in India, from the Delhi Sultanate to the Mughal empire.
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Answer: R.S. Sharma
Ancient India by R.S. Sharma provides an extensive study of early Indian civilization, from the Vedic period to the Maurya and Gupta empires.
Answer: Bipin Chandra
Modern India: 1885-1947 by Bipin Chandra is a detailed account of Indias struggle for independence, highlighting key movements and figures.
Answer: A.L. Basham
Indias Ancient Past by A.L. Basham explores the various stages of Indias ancient civilization, focusing on its culture, politics and religion.
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Answer: A. R. Desai
The Indian Renaissance: 1850-1915 by A. R. Desai traces the intellectual, social and cultural revival in India during the 19th century.
Answer: John F. Richards
The Mughals of India by John F. Richards examines the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire and its impact on India?s culture and politics.
Answer: Bipin Chandra
The Indian Freedom Struggle by Bipin Chandra offers a detailed analysis of the political, social and cultural aspects of Indias fight for independence.
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Answer: M.P. Jain
Constitutional Development in India by M.P. Jain is a detailed study of the evolution of India?s constitutional framework, essential for constitutional law exams.
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