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Answer: Impeachment
A judge of the Supreme Court of India can only be removed by impeachment, which requires a majority vote in both Houses of Parliament.
Answer: Article 29
Article 29 of the Indian Constitution protects the interests of minorities by safeguarding their culture, language and script.
Answer: Article 75
Article 75 of the Indian Constitution specifies the duties and responsibilities of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers.
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Answer: The Government of India Act, 1935
The Indian Constitution was largely based on the Government of India Act, 1935, which served as the basis for constitutional reforms in India.
Answer: Justice Indu Malhotra
Justice Indu Malhotra became the first woman to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of India and later became the first woman to hold the post of Chief Justice of India.
Answer: Article 283
The provision for the establishment of the Planning Commission was made under Article 283, though the commission was later replaced by NITI Aayog in 2015.
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Answer: Parliamentary Democracy
The Indian Constitution provides for a parliamentary system of government, where the executive is accountable to the legislature.
Answer: To appoint the Prime Minister
The President of India is responsible for appointing the Prime Minister and other ministers, as per the advice of the Prime Minister.
Answer: Part III
Fundamental Rights under Part III of the Indian Constitution can be subjected to reasonable restrictions, which are specified under various provisions of the Constitution.
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Answer: Article 108
Article 108 of the Indian Constitution provides for a joint session of both Houses of Parliament when they fail to agree on a bill.
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