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Answer: Parliamentary
The Indian Constitution provides for a parliamentary form of government, where the executive is accountable to the legislature.
Answer: The President, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha
The Parliament of India consists of the President, Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States).
Answer: Article 123
Article 123 allows the President to promulgate ordinances during the recess of Parliament if necessary.
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Answer: The Chief Justice of India
The Chief Justice of India is part of the Judiciary, not the Executive.
Answer: Part III
Part III of the Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, including women, ensuring their protection against discrimination.
Answer: Article 17
Article 17 of the Indian Constitution prohibits untouchability and makes its practice an offense.
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Answer: The Speaker of Lok Sabha
The Speaker of Lok Sabha has the authority to decide on the disqualification of a Member of Parliament under the provisions of the Constitution.
Answer: Attorney General
The Attorney General of India is the highest law officer of the country and advises the government on legal matters.
Answer: Article 13
Article 13 of the Indian Constitution declares that any law inconsistent with the Constitution is void.
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Answer: Part III
The Right to Equality is enshrined under Part III of the Indian Constitution and includes provisions for equality before the law, prohibition of discrimination, etc.
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