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Answer: Separation of powers
The system of judicial review in India is based on the principle of separation of powers, which allows the judiciary to review the constitutionality of laws.
Answer: Article 246
Article 246 of the Indian Constitution deals with the distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the States.
Answer: The Parliament
The power to amend the Indian Constitution is vested in the Parliament under Article 368.
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Answer: Article 85
Article 85 of the Indian Constitution gives the President the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha and call for new elections.
Answer: The state has no religion
The term "Secular" in the Indian Constitution means that the state has no official religion and treats all religions equally.
Answer: Executive, Legislature and Judiciary
The Indian Constitution provides for the separation of powers between the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary to ensure a system of checks and balances.
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Answer: The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of India is considered the guardian of the Indian Constitution as it has the power of judicial review to ensure the Constitution is upheld.
Answer: The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of India is responsible for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights and citizens can approach the court for their protection.
Answer: The Constituent Assembly
The Constitution of India was enacted by the Constituent Assembly, which was formed to draft the Constitution and represent various sections of Indian society.
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Answer: All of the above
The President of India has several powers, including dissolving the Lok Sabha, appointing the Prime Minister and declaring a National Emergency.
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