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Answer: Indian citizens above the age of 18
The Indian Constitution guarantees the right to vote to all Indian citizens above the age of 18 under Article 326.
Answer: A division of power between the Centre and the States
The term "Federal" in the Indian Constitution refers to the division of powers and responsibilities between the central government and state governments.
Answer: The British Constitution
The Indian Constitution was heavily influenced by the British Constitution, particularly its structure of parliamentary democracy.
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Answer: A federal structure of government
The Indian Constitution provides for a dual polity, meaning a system of governance with both central and state governments operating within a federal structure.
Answer: The Supreme Court
The dispute regarding the election of the President of India is decided by the Supreme Court of India under Article 71 of the Constitution.
Answer: Respect for the national flag
The Constitution of India, under Article 51A, recognizes the duty to respect the national flag and the Constitution as part of the Fundamental Duties.
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Answer: The President
The Union Territories of India are directly governed by the President of India and their administration is managed by administrators appointed by the President.
Answer: United Kingdom
The Indian Constitution was largely influenced by the British Constitution, particularly in terms of parliamentary democracy and federal features.
Answer: Article 352
Article 352 of the Indian Constitution outlines the Presidents emergency powers in cases of war, external aggression, or armed rebellion.
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Answer: All of the above
The Constitution of India provides for a system of checks and balances through the separation of powers, judicial review and parliamentary supremacy.
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