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Which of the following is the main objective of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) To explain the rights of citizens
  • (B) To define the structure of government
  • (C) To set out the goals and objectives of the Constitution
  • (D) To outline the duties of the President

Answer: To set out the goals and objectives of the Constitution

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution sets out the values and objectives of justice, equality, liberty and fraternity.

Who is responsible for the execution of laws made by the Parliament of India?

  • (A) Prime Minister
  • (B) President
  • (C) Supreme Court
  • (D) Union Cabinet

Answer: Union Cabinet

The Union Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister, is responsible for the execution of laws passed by the Parliament of India.

The Parliament of India consists of which of the following two houses?

  • (A) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
  • (B) Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly
  • (C) Rajya Sabha and Legislative Council
  • (D) Lok Sabha and State Assemblies

Answer: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

The Parliament of India consists of two houses: the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).

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Which of the following is the main source of revenue for the Union Government in India?

  • (A) Taxes
  • (B) Donations
  • (C) Borrowings
  • (D) Aid from the State Governments

Answer: Taxes

Taxes are the primary source of revenue for the Union Government in India.

Which part of the Indian Constitution contains the provisions for the establishment of the Union Judiciary?

  • (A) Part IV
  • (B) Part V
  • (C) Part VI
  • (D) Part VII

Answer: Part V

Part V of the Indian Constitution outlines the establishment of the Union Judiciary, including the Supreme Court.

Which of the following Articles grants the President of India the power to appoint the Prime Minister?

  • (A) Article 74
  • (B) Article 75
  • (C) Article 76
  • (D) Article 77

Answer: Article 75

Article 75 empowers the President of India to appoint the Prime Minister of the country.

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Which of the following is a condition for a person to become the President of India?

  • (A) Must be at least 30 years old
  • (B) Must be an Indian citizen
  • (C) Must be a graduate
  • (D) Must be a member of Parliament

Answer: Must be an Indian citizen

A person must be an Indian citizen and meet other criteria to be eligible for the presidency.

Which of the following provisions is covered under the "Right to Equality" in the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) Abolition of untouchability
  • (B) Protection from arrest
  • (C) Right to own property
  • (D) Protection from discrimination

Answer: Protection from discrimination

Article 15 of the Indian Constitution guarantees protection from discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.

What is the main objective of the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) To ensure equality
  • (B) To guide the governance for social justice
  • (C) To grant fundamental rights
  • (D) To manage the finances

Answer: To guide the governance for social justice

The Directive Principles of State Policy guide the government in making laws and policies that promote social justice and welfare.

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Who can initiate a bill for the amendment of the Indian Constitution?

  • (A) President
  • (B) Prime Minister
  • (C) Member of Parliament
  • (D) Chief Justice of India

Answer: Member of Parliament

A bill for the amendment of the Constitution can be introduced in either house of Parliament by a Member of Parliament.


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