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Answer: Alfred Wegener
Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of plate tectonics, suggesting that Earths continents move over time.
Answer: James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell developed the theory of electromagnetism, which unified electricity and magnetism.
Answer: John Dalton
John Dalton developed the atomic theory, proposing that matter is composed of indivisible atoms.
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Answer: Christiaan Barnard
Christiaan Barnard performed the first successful heart transplant in 1967, revolutionizing heart surgery.
Answer: Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains how species evolve over time.
Answer: Wilhelm Roentgen
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895, leading to advancements in medical imaging.
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Answer: Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler formulated the laws of planetary motion, which describe the movement of planets around the Sun.
Answer: Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press with movable type in the 15th century, changing the course of history.
Answer: Ivan Pavlov
Ivan Pavlov proposed the theory of conditioned reflexes, demonstrating how animals and humans learn through associations.
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Answer: William Harvey
William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood in the human body in the 17th century.
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