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What is the national motto of Switzerland?

  • (A) One for All, All for One
  • (B) Unity, Peace, Freedom
  • (C) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
  • (D) Strength in Unity

Answer: Unity, Peace, Freedom

Unity, Peace, Freedom is the national motto of Switzerland, reflecting the country's values of neutrality and harmony.

What is the national anthem of Switzerland?

  • (A) Swiss Psalm
  • (B) Land of the Mountains
  • (C) O Switzerland
  • (D) March of the Alps

Answer: Swiss Psalm

Swiss Psalm is the national anthem of Switzerland, celebrating the country's natural beauty and unity.

What is the national bird of Switzerland?

  • (A) Golden Eagle
  • (B) Eurasian Nuthatch
  • (C) Common Blackbird
  • (D) Red Kite

Answer: Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle is the national bird of Switzerland, a symbol of strength and freedom.

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What is the national tree of Switzerland?

  • (A) Oak Tree
  • (B) Chestnut Tree
  • (C) Pine Tree
  • (D) Swiss Pine

Answer: Swiss Pine

The Swiss Pine is the national tree of Switzerland, symbolizing the country?s beautiful forests and mountains.

What is the national day of Sweden?

  • (A) May-17
  • (B) Jun-06
  • (C) Aug-15
  • (D) Dec-06

Answer: Jun-06

June 6 is Sweden's National Day, celebrating the Swedish constitution and the election of Gustav Vasa as king in 1523.

What is the national motto of Sweden?

  • (A) Freedom and Unity
  • (B) For the People
  • (C) One for All, All for One
  • (D) With God for the Country

Answer: With God for the Country

With God for the Country is Sweden's national motto, expressing the country?s commitment to a moral and just society.

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What is the national anthem of Sweden?

  • (A) Du gamla, du fria
  • (B) March of the Swedish Nation
  • (C) Land of the Free
  • (D) Our Swedish Anthem

Answer: Du gamla, du fria

Du gamla, du fria is the national anthem of Sweden, a patriotic song celebrating the country?s natural beauty and freedom.

What is the national bird of Sweden?

  • (A) Golden Eagle
  • (B) Eurasian Eagle Owl
  • (C) Common Crane
  • (D) White-tailed Eagle

Answer: Common Crane

The Common Crane is the national bird of Sweden, known for its graceful migration across the country.

What is the national tree of Sweden?

  • (A) Pine Tree
  • (B) Oak Tree
  • (C) Birch Tree
  • (D) Silver Fir

Answer: Birch Tree

The Birch Tree is the national tree of Sweden, symbolizing the country?s natural beauty and abundance of birch forests.

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What is the national day of Suriname?

  • (A) Nov-25
  • (B) Dec-10
  • (C) Jul-09
  • (D) Aug-15

Answer: Nov-25

November 25 is Suriname?s National Day, commemorating the country?s independence from the Netherlands in 1975.


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