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What is the national motto of Suriname?

  • (A) Unity and Progress
  • (B) Strength Through Harmony
  • (C) Freedom for All
  • (D) Together for a Better Future

Answer: Unity and Progress

Unity and Progress is the national motto of Suriname, emphasizing the importance of working together for the nation?s growth.

What is the national anthem of Suriname?

  • (A) God Zij Met Ons
  • (B) Unity and Peace
  • (C) Suriname, Land of the Free
  • (D) Our Beloved Suriname

Answer: God Zij Met Ons

God Zij Met Ons is the national anthem of Suriname, meaning God be with us, reflecting the country?s prayer for divine guidance.

What is the national tree of Suriname?

  • (A) Palmyra Palm
  • (B) Soursop Tree
  • (C) Cabbage Tree
  • (D) Sama Tree

Answer: Cabbage Tree

The Cabbage Tree is the national tree of Suriname, representing the country?s tropical environment.

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What is the national day of Sudan?

  • (A) Jan-01
  • (B) Dec-18
  • (C) Aug-05
  • (D) May-25

Answer: Dec-18

December 18 is Sudan's National Day, commemorating the Sudanese Revolution of 1955, which led to the country's independence.

What is the national motto of Sudan?

  • (A) Freedom, Peace, Justice
  • (B) Unity in Diversity
  • (C) Independence for All
  • (D) Strength Through Unity

Answer: Freedom, Peace, Justice

Freedom, Peace, Justice is the national motto of Sudan, reflecting the country?s values after its independence.

What is the national anthem of Sudan?

  • (A) Ya Beladi
  • (B) March of the Soldiers
  • (C) Sudan, Our Land
  • (D) Land of the Brave

Answer: Ya Beladi

Ya Beladi is the national anthem of Sudan, a song of patriotism and national pride.

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What is the national bird of Sudan?

  • (A) Sudanese Ostrich
  • (B) White Stork
  • (C) Nubian Bustard
  • (D) African Fish Eagle

Answer: Sudanese Ostrich

The Sudanese Ostrich is the national bird of Sudan, native to the region and an important part of Sudan's fauna.

What is the national tree of Sudan?

  • (A) Date Palm
  • (B) Acacia Tree
  • (C) Olive Tree
  • (D) Eucalyptus Tree

Answer: Date Palm

The Date Palm is the national tree of Sudan, symbolizing the country?s agricultural traditions and economy.

What is the national day of Sri Lanka?

  • (A) Jan-01
  • (B) May-01
  • (C) Feb-04
  • (D) Oct-09

Answer: Feb-04

February 4 is Sri Lanka?s National Day, commemorating its independence from Britain in 1948.

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What is the national motto of Sri Lanka?

  • (A) For the Country, For the People
  • (B) Pride in Unity
  • (C) Truth, Peace and Justice
  • (D) Discipline and Prosperity

Answer: Discipline and Prosperity

Discipline and Prosperity is the national motto of Sri Lanka, promoting order and national growth.


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