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What is the national anthem of Somalia?

  • (A) Soomaaliyeey Toosoo
  • (B) O Somalia
  • (C) Soomaaliyeey Gaara
  • (D) Rise Up Somalia

Answer: Soomaaliyeey Toosoo

Soomaaliyeey Toosoo is the national anthem of Somalia, expressing patriotism and unity for the country?s people.

What is the national bird of Somalia?

  • (A) Somali Ostrich
  • (B) African Fish Eagle
  • (C) Eagle Owl
  • (D) Flamingo

Answer: Somali Ostrich

The Somali Ostrich is the national bird of Somalia, native to the country and commonly seen in its deserts and savannahs.

What is the national tree of Somalia?

  • (A) Baobab Tree
  • (B) Acacia Tree
  • (C) Palm Tree
  • (D) Cedar Tree

Answer: Acacia Tree

The Acacia Tree is the national tree of Somalia, widely found across the country?s landscapes and used in various traditional practices.

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What is the national day of Solomon Islands?

  • (A) Nov-14
  • (B) Sep-15
  • (C) Aug-01
  • (D) Jul-07

Answer: Nov-14

November 14 is the national day of Solomon Islands, commemorating the country?s independence from the United Kingdom in 1978.

What is the national motto of Solomon Islands?

  • (A) Strength in Unity
  • (B) For the People
  • (C) United We Stand
  • (D) Freedom and Unity

Answer: United We Stand

United We Stand is the national motto of Solomon Islands, reflecting the nation?s commitment to unity and collective strength.

What is the national anthem of Solomon Islands?

  • (A) God Save the Queen
  • (B) Island Song
  • (C) Solomon Islands, Our Pride
  • (D) Solomon Forever

Answer: Island Song

Island Song is the national anthem of the Solomon Islands, celebrating the nation?s heritage, unity and natural beauty.

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What is the national bird of Solomon Islands?

  • (A) Solomon Islands Kingfisher
  • (B) Red-breasted Parrot
  • (C) Pacific Sea Eagle
  • (D) Solomon Parrot

Answer: Solomon Islands Kingfisher

The Solomon Islands Kingfisher is the national bird of the Solomon Islands, symbolizing the nation?s rich biodiversity.

What is the national day of Singapore?

  • (A) Aug-09
  • (B) Sep-16
  • (C) Oct-10
  • (D) Dec-25

Answer: Aug-09

August 9 is Singapore's National Day, commemorating the country's independence from Malaysia in 1965.

What is the national motto of Singapore?

  • (A) Majulah Singapura
  • (B) One People, One Nation
  • (C) Unity in Diversity
  • (D) Peace and Prosperity

Answer: Peace and Prosperity

Peace and Prosperity is the national motto of Singapore, reflecting the nation's aspirations for a harmonious and prosperous society.

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What is the national anthem of Singapore?

  • (A) Majulah Singapura
  • (B) We Are Singapore
  • (C) The Heart of Singapore
  • (D) March of the Republic

Answer: Majulah Singapura

Majulah Singapura is the national anthem of Singapore, a patriotic song that expresses the nation's pride and aspirations.


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