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What is the national anthem of South Sudan?

  • (A) South Sudan Oyee!
  • (B) The Anthem of Unity
  • (C) Rise Up South Sudan
  • (D) Our Freedom, Our Song

Answer: South Sudan Oyee!

South Sudan Oyee! is the national anthem of South Sudan, symbolizing unity and the country's journey towards peace and independence.

What is the national bird of South Sudan?

  • (A) African Fish Eagle
  • (B) Grey Crowned Crane
  • (C) White Stork
  • (D) Nubian Bustard

Answer: Grey Crowned Crane

The Grey Crowned Crane is the national bird of South Sudan, often seen in its wetlands and grasslands.

What is the national tree of South Sudan?

  • (A) Acacia Tree
  • (B) Baobab Tree
  • (C) Palm Tree
  • (D) Gum Tree

Answer: Acacia Tree

The Acacia Tree is the national tree of South Sudan, symbolizing the country?s dry and rugged environment.

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What is the national day of South Africa?

  • (A) Apr-27
  • (B) Aug-09
  • (C) Dec-16
  • (D) Sep-24

Answer: Apr-27

April 27 is South Africa?s National Day, commemorating the first democratic elections in 1994, when Nelson Mandela became president.

What is the national motto of South Africa?

  • (A) Unity in Diversity
  • (B) Strength and Honor
  • (C) Freedom in Peace
  • (D) Strength in Unity

Answer: Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity is the national motto of South Africa, reflecting the country?s commitment to achieving social and racial harmony.

What is the national anthem of South Africa?

  • (A) Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika
  • (B) South Africa Our Home
  • (C) Land of the Brave
  • (D) The South African Anthem

Answer: Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika is the national anthem of South Africa, symbolizing the country's multi-lingual and diverse culture.

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What is the national bird of South Africa?

  • (A) Secretarybird
  • (B) African Fish Eagle
  • (C) Blue Crane
  • (D) Red-billed Quelea

Answer: Blue Crane

The Blue Crane is the national bird of South Africa, known for its elegance and grace.

What is the national tree of South Africa?

  • (A) Yellowwood Tree
  • (B) Baobab Tree
  • (C) Wattle Tree
  • (D) Acacia Tree

Answer: Yellowwood Tree

The Yellowwood Tree is the national tree of South Africa, a symbol of strength, endurance and national pride.

What is the national day of Somalia?

  • (A) Jul-01
  • (B) Aug-20
  • (C) Jun-30
  • (D) Oct-15

Answer: Jul-01

July 1 is Somalia?s National Day, commemorating the unification of Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland in 1960.

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What is the national motto of Somalia?

  • (A) Unity and Liberty
  • (B) God, Country and Liberty
  • (C) For the People and the Nation
  • (D) Strength and Honor

Answer: Unity and Liberty

Unity and Liberty is the national motto of Somalia, emphasizing the importance of unity in overcoming the country's challenges.


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