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What is the national bird of Maldives?

  • (A) Maldivian White-eye
  • (B) Brown Noddy
  • (C) White-tailed Tropicbird
  • (D) Common Mynah

Answer: Maldivian White-eye

The Maldivian White-eye is the national bird of the Maldives, endemic to the islands and symbolizing the country?s biodiversity.

What is the national tree of Maldives?

  • (A) Coconut Tree
  • (B) Palm Tree
  • (C) Banana Tree
  • (D) Mango Tree

Answer: Coconut Tree

The Coconut Tree is the national tree of Maldives, reflecting the country?s tropical climate and its significance in Maldivian culture and economy.

What is the national day of Malaysia?

  • (A) Aug-31
  • (B) May-01
  • (C) Oct-10
  • (D) Sep-16

Answer: Aug-31

August 31 is Malaysia?s National Day, celebrating its independence from British colonial rule in 1957.

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What is the national motto of Malaysia?

  • (A) Unity in Diversity
  • (B) Progress and Strength
  • (C) Peace, Prosperity and Unity
  • (D) One Nation, One Dream

Answer: Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity is Malaysia?s national motto, reflecting the country?s rich cultural and ethnic diversity.

What is the national anthem of Malaysia?

  • (A) Negaraku
  • (B) Bumi Merdeka
  • (C) We Are Malaysia
  • (D) Land of Glory

Answer: Negaraku

Negaraku is the national anthem of Malaysia, symbolizing the country?s unity and independence.

What is the national tree of Malaysia?

  • (A) Rubber Tree
  • (B) Tualang Tree
  • (C) Mangrove Tree
  • (D) Ebony Tree

Answer: Tualang Tree

The Tualang Tree is the national tree of Malaysia, notable for its towering height and ecological importance in Malaysia?s rainforests.

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What is the national day of Malawi?

  • (A) Oct-15
  • (B) Jul-06
  • (C) Jun-06
  • (D) Mar-25

Answer: Oct-15

October 15 is Malawi?s National Day, marking the country?s independence from Britain in 1964.

What is the national motto of Malawi?

  • (A) Unity in Progress
  • (B) Peace, Love and Unity
  • (C) One Nation, One People
  • (D) For Peace and Unity

Answer: One Nation, One People

One Nation, One People is the national motto of Malawi, reflecting the country?s unity and collective spirit.

What is the national anthem of Malawi?

  • (A) Ondopa Tovwirenge
  • (B) Nyimbo Za Umodzi
  • (C) The Land of Peace
  • (D) Malawi, the Golden Land

Answer: Nyimbo Za Umodzi

Nyimbo Za Umodzi is the national anthem of Malawi, reflecting the nation?s desire for peace, unity and independence.

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What is the national bird of Malawi?

  • (A) Lilac-breasted Roller
  • (B) African Fish Eagle
  • (C) Grey Crowned Crane
  • (D) White-tailed Tropicbird

Answer: African Fish Eagle

The African Fish Eagle is the national bird of Malawi, symbolizing strength and resilience in the country?s natural environment.


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