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What is the national tree of Luxembourg?

  • (A) Oak Tree
  • (B) Linden Tree
  • (C) Beech Tree
  • (D) Pine Tree

Answer: Linden Tree

The Linden Tree is the national tree of Luxembourg, symbolizing the country?s national identity and cultural heritage.

What is the national day of Lithuania?

  • (A) Jan-13
  • (B) Feb-16
  • (C) Mar-11
  • (D) Jul-06

Answer: Feb-16

February 16 is Lithuania?s National Day, celebrating the declaration of independence from Russia in 1918.

What is the national motto of Lithuania?

  • (A) For the Country and the People
  • (B) Liberty and Equality
  • (C) Strength Through Unity
  • (D) Freedom, Independence, Justice

Answer: Freedom, Independence, Justice

Freedom, Independence, Justice is the national motto of Lithuania, highlighting its core values of sovereignty and liberty.

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What is the national anthem of Lithuania?

  • (A) The Dawn of Freedom
  • (B) Lithuanian Anthem
  • (C) Song of the Fatherland
  • (D) Land of the Free

Answer: Lithuanian Anthem

Lithuanian Anthem is the national anthem of Lithuania, celebrating the country's freedom and independence.

What is the national bird of Lithuania?

  • (A) White Stork
  • (B) Golden Eagle
  • (C) Common Crane
  • (D) Eurasian Magpie

Answer: White Stork

The White Stork is the national bird of Lithuania, symbolizing family and hope.

What is the national tree of Lithuania?

  • (A) Oak Tree
  • (B) Birch Tree
  • (C) Pine Tree
  • (D) Larch Tree

Answer: Oak Tree

The Oak Tree is the national tree of Lithuania, representing strength and longevity.

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What is the national day of Liechtenstein?

  • (A) Aug-15
  • (B) Sep-15
  • (C) Dec-01
  • (D) Nov-01

Answer: Aug-15

August 15 is Liechtenstein's National Day, celebrating the country?s foundation and its historical heritage.

What is the national motto of Liechtenstein?

  • (A) Unity is Strength
  • (B) Freedom and Honor
  • (C) Liberty and Justice
  • (D) For the Country

Answer: Unity is Strength

Unity is Strength is the national motto of Liechtenstein, symbolizing the unity of its people in maintaining independence and peace.

What is the national anthem of Liechtenstein?

  • (A) Oben am Young Mountain
  • (B) Princely Song
  • (C) Land of the Alps
  • (D) The Land We Love

Answer: Oben am Young Mountain

Oben am Young Mountain is the national anthem of Liechtenstein, celebrating the country?s beauty and natural environment.

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What is the national bird of Liechtenstein?

  • (A) Golden Eagle
  • (B) Common Swift
  • (C) Eurasian Blackbird
  • (D) Alpine Chough

Answer: Alpine Chough

The Alpine Chough is the national bird of Liechtenstein, symbolizing the alpine environment and the country?s mountainous terrain.


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