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What is the national tree of Liechtenstein?

  • (A) Oak Tree
  • (B) Linden Tree
  • (C) Pine Tree
  • (D) Chestnut Tree

Answer: Linden Tree

The Linden Tree is the national tree of Liechtenstein, symbolizing the country?s rich natural environment and culture.

What is the national day of Libya?

  • (A) Sep-01
  • (B) Jul-01
  • (C) Feb-17
  • (D) Aug-15

Answer: Sep-01

September 1 is Libya?s National Day, marking the Libyan Revolution in 1969 when Muammar Gaddafi came to power.

What is the national motto of Libya?

  • (A) Unity, Strength, Victory
  • (B) Freedom, Equality, Justice
  • (C) Liberty and Peace
  • (D) Freedom and Unity

Answer: Unity, Strength, Victory

Unity, Strength, Victory is Libya's national motto, symbolizing the country?s ideals of unity and perseverance.

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What is the national anthem of Libya?

  • (A) Libya, Libya, Libya
  • (B) Song of Freedom
  • (C) March of the Nation
  • (D) We Are the People

Answer: Libya, Libya, Libya

Libya, Libya, Libya is the national anthem of Libya, reflecting the country?s pride and sovereignty.

What is the national bird of Libya?

  • (A) Barbary Partridge
  • (B) White Stork
  • (C) Falcon
  • (D) Red-legged Partridge

Answer: White Stork

The White Stork is the national bird of Libya, known for its long migratory journey and symbolic importance for peace and fertility.

What is the national tree of Libya?

  • (A) Olive Tree
  • (B) Date Palm
  • (C) Acacia Tree
  • (D) Juniper Tree

Answer: Olive Tree

The Olive Tree is the national tree of Libya, symbolizing peace and prosperity. It has been central to the country?s culture and economy for centuries.

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What is the national day of Liberia?

  • (A) Jul-26
  • (B) Oct-01
  • (C) Sep-24
  • (D) Aug-15

Answer: Jul-26

July 26 is Liberia?s National Day, commemorating the country?s independence from the American Colonization Society in 1847.

What is the national motto of Liberia?

  • (A) The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here
  • (B) Strength and Unity
  • (C) Independence and Justice
  • (D) Unity is Strength

Answer: The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here

The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here reflects Liberia?s founding principles based on liberty and freedom.

What is the national anthem of Liberia?

  • (A) The Lone Star Forever
  • (B) We Are Liberia
  • (C) Freedom and Unity
  • (D) Liberty?s Call

Answer: The Lone Star Forever

The Lone Star Forever is the national anthem of Liberia, symbolizing the country?s liberty and independence.

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What is the national bird of Liberia?

  • (A) African Fish Eagle
  • (B) White-headed Vulture
  • (C) Liberian Greenbul
  • (D) Common Redstart

Answer: Liberian Greenbul

The Liberian Greenbul is the national bird of Liberia, symbolizing the biodiversity of the country?s forests.


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