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Looking for MCQs? You're in the right place! Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, school boards or just aiming to improve your knowledge, we offer MCQs for all levels and subjects.

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What type of energy is associated with an object in motion?

  • (A) Potential energy
  • (B) Kinetic energy
  • (C) Thermal energy
  • (D) Chemical energy

Answer: Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion, such as a rolling ball or flowing water.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a solid?

  • (A) Fixed volume
  • (B) Fixed shape
  • (C) Particles that move freely
  • (D) Definite structure

Answer: Particles that move freely

In solids, particles are tightly packed and do not move freely, unlike in liquids or gases where particles can move more easily.

What is the type of rock formed from the cooling and solidifying of magma or lava?

  • (A) Sedimentary
  • (B) Metamorphic
  • (C) Igneous
  • (D) Volcanic

Answer: Igneous

Igneous rocks form from the cooling and solidifying of molten rock, either magma beneath the Earth or lava erupted on the surface.

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What is the most abundant element in the universe?

  • (A) Hydrogen
  • (B) Oxygen
  • (C) Carbon
  • (D) Nitrogen

Answer: Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, making up about 75% of its elemental mass, especially in stars.

What is the primary function of the human skeletal system?

  • (A) Produce energy
  • (B) Provide structure
  • (C) Regulate hormones
  • (D) Control movement

Answer: Provide structure

The skeletal system provides the bodys framework, protecting vital organs, supporting the body and enabling movement.

What is the term for a solution in which water is the solvent?

  • (A) Aqueous solution
  • (B) Acidic solution
  • (C) Alkaline solution
  • (D) Organic solution

Answer: Aqueous solution

An aqueous solution is one where water is the solvent, dissolving substances like salts or sugars.

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Which gas makes up most of Earths atmosphere?

  • (A) Nitrogen
  • (B) Oxygen
  • (C) Carbon dioxide
  • (D) Argon

Answer: Nitrogen

Nitrogen makes up approximately 78% of Earths atmosphere, while oxygen accounts for about 21%.

Which scientist is known for developing the theory of evolution by natural selection?

  • (A) Albert Einstein
  • (B) Isaac Newton
  • (C) Charles Darwin
  • (D) Louis Pasteur

Answer: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin is known for his groundbreaking theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed in his book On the Origin of Species.

What is the process by which an organism develops from a fertilized egg?

  • (A) Metamorphosis
  • (B) Mitosis
  • (C) Embryogenesis
  • (D) Photosynthesis

Answer: Embryogenesis

Embryogenesis is the process of development from a fertilized egg to a fully formed organism, including stages like cleavage and differentiation.

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What is the most common chemical element in the Earths crust?

  • (A) Oxygen
  • (B) Silicon
  • (C) Aluminum
  • (D) Iron

Answer: Oxygen

Oxygen makes up about 46% of the Earths crust, primarily found in compounds like silicates.


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